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How To Get Hell Biome In Sol's RNG

Hell biome is added to Roblox Sol's RNG with the Era 7 update and here is how to spawn in it guaranteed.
How To Get Hell Biome In Sol's RNG
Picture: sol's studio

Roblox Sol's RNG Era 7 update is here and has brought a ton of new stuff into the game including new auras, gears, and more. Apart from this, two brand new biomes have also been released with the patch and one of them is the Hell biome.

Getting Hell biome is random and has 1 in 6666 chances of appearing and you need to stay in the server to get it. However, not everyone has that kind of patience and thus, here is a tip on how you can get Hell biome guaranteed.

Roblox Sols RNG Hell Biome: How To Spawn In It

The chance of getting Hell Biome randomly is quite low in Sol's RNG.
The chance of getting Hell Biome randomly is quite low in Sol's RNG. (Picture: sol's studio)

The best way to get Starfall in Sols RNG, the best way is to join the official Discord server of the game and go to the private servers channel (make sure to verify your Roblox account in order to access it). Once you are there, join a server and you will be spawned in Hell biome, and that's it. 

However, keep in mind that you will have to do it quickly as soon as someone posts about Hell biome or else you might have to wait again. Once you are in the biome, you can start trying to get Bloodlust, the new aura added to the game.