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All 7DTD Console Commands & How To Use Them On PC

Console commands can make life a lot easier in 7 Days to Die, so here's how to use them.
All 7DTD Console Commands & How To Use Them On PC
(Picture: The Fun Pimps)

7 Days to Die is a tough survival game, so players might want some assistance in the form of console commands. This little cheats can help make your play through a little easier, and you can choose to enable only the ones that'll help you on your journey, whether you need food, water, or help finding your friends. To help you out, here's a list of all of 7 Days to Die's console commands, as well as how to use them in the game.

How To Use Console Commands In 7 Days To Die

To use console commands in 7 Days to Die, you'll first need to press a button your keyboard. There are two buttons that can open the console. One option is just to press F1 on an ES and EU keyboards. The second button you can press depends on your keyboard:

Keyboard Type Console Key
US "
EU @
Scandinavian Ö/Ø/F2
Spanish Ñ

From the console, you can simply type in any of the below console commands to activate them.

7 days to die console commands
7 Days to Die console commands can spawn zombies or get rid of them. (Picture: The Fun Pimps)

All Console Commands In 7 Days To Die

Commands Command Use
giveself [item ID] [quality level] Spawns an item at your player’s feet.
giveselfxp [amount] Increases your experience levels.
kick [Steam ID/player name] [reason] Forcibly removes a player from the world/server.
kickall [reason] Removes all players from the game.
ban [add/remove] [Steam ID] [duration] [reason] Ban or unban a player from the world/server.
ban list Returns a list of banned players.
buffplayer [player name] [buff] Gives a buff to the specified player.
buff [buff ID] Applies a buff to your player.
debuff [buff] Remove a buff from your player.
debuffplayer [player name] [buff] Remove a buff from other players.
settime [day/night/time] Change the world’s time to a specific hour or cycle.
spawnentity [player name] [entity ID] Spawn any entity in-game.
spawnairdrop Spawns an airdrop at your location.
spawnsupplycrate Spawns a supply crate above your character.
spawnscouts Spawns 1 Screamer in the distances and navigates to the command’s location.
spawnscreen Displays the spawn screen.
spawnwh Spawns a wandering horde in the distance, which runs to the player’s location.
whitelist [add/remove] [player name/Steam ID] Add or remove a player from the authorized list to join.
whitelist list Returns an entire list of whitelisted players.
teleport [coordinates] Transports you to an exact position or other player.
saveworld Manually save the world.
help [command] Returns useful information about any command.
admin [add/remove] [Steam ID] [permission level] Allows to add or remove admins from the list with specified permission levels.
aiddebug Toggles AIDirector debug output.
ai pathgrid Enables pathway layout for AIs.
ai pathlines Displays exact pathways for AIs.
say [message] Broadcasts a message in global chat.
debugmenu [on/off] Toggles the debug menu, and allows for godmode.
chunkcache Shows all loaded chunks in the cache.
clear Removes all output text from the command console.
cp add [command] [level] Allows you to add commands to the permission list.
cp remove [command] Removes the added command from the permission list.
cp list Displays the entire list for defined command permissions.
deathscreen [on/off] Toggle the bloody death screen.
enablescope [on/off] Toggle debug scope.
exportcurrentconfigs Exports all currently used config files to your local files.
exportitemicons Exports all item icons to your local directory.
getgamestat Returns a current game stat list to the console.
getgamepref Prints a current game preference list to the console.
gettime Shows the current number of days and time.
gfx af [0/1] Toggles anisotropic filtering.
gfx dti Set distant terrain instancing.
gfx dtpix Set distant terrain pixel error.
givequest Give your player a quest.
killall Kills all players and entities.
lights Toggles a display around light sources.
listents Lists all entities currently in-game.
listlandclaim Returns a list of all land claim blocks.
listplayerids Shows a list of all players with their IDs.
listplayers Lists more information about all players.
listthreads Lists all threads.
loggamestate [message] [true/false] Returns information on the current state of the game.
loglevel [loglevel name] [true/false] Telnet/web only, but allows you to select log message types to display on connection.
mem Returns memory information and calls the garbage collector.
memcl Returns client memory information and calls the garbage collector.
pplist Shows persistent player data.
removequest Removes a quest from your account.
repairchunkdensity [x] [z] [fix] Used to check block densities in a chunk to match block types.
setgamepref [preference name] [value] Define a gamepref.
setgamestat [stat name] [value] Define a gamestat.
settmepunit [c/f] Determines the temperature unit.
showalbedo Toggles albedo display in gBuffer.
showchunksdata Returns some data of the current chunk.
showclouds Allows to see one layer of clouds.
shownexthordetime Displays the wandering horde time.
shownormals Toggles the display of normal maps in gBuffer.
showspecular Toggles the display of specular values in gBuffer.
shutdown Closes the game.
sounddebug Toggles the SoundManager debug output.
spectrum [choice] Force a lighting spectrum.
staticmap Switches the Navazgane map between static and dynamic.
switchview Toggles first or third person views.
systeminfo Returns your computer’s CPU, OS, etc..
teleportplayer [player name] [coordinates] Teleports a player to the specified location.
traderarea Force out of trader areas, but can reenter unless closed.
updatelighton [player name] Commands for UpdateLightOnAllMaterials and UpdateLightOnPlayers.
version Returns the game’s version and its loaded mods.
starve Makes your player hungry.
thirsty Makes your character thirsty.
exhausted Makes your player exhausted.
water Control water settings, type “help water” for more info.
weather Control weather settings, type “help weather” for more info.
weathersurvival [on/off] Toggles weather survival.