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How To Farm In 7 Days to Die

Farming in 7 Days to Die can help you keep your hunger low and stay alive.
How To Farm In 7 Days to Die
(Picture: The Fun Pimps)

In 7 Days to Die, survival is the name of the game. In order to do that, you'll want to make sure that you have access to resources like weapons, food, water, and shelter. To get consistent access to one of the most important resources in the game, food, you might want to rely on farming. Here's how to farm in 7 Days to Die so you can get your own crops and satiate your character's hunger with little effort.

How To Farm In 7 Days To Die

7 days to die garden
You'll need to choose a spot with a lot of light to garden, ideally outdoors. (Picture: The Fun Pimps)

Choose A Farming Spot

First, you'll want to choose a spot for your farm. When doing so, you'll need to keep in mind that plants do need light to grow, much like in real life - so you'll want to plant them somewhere where they have access to plenty of light. It's best to plant them outdoors for this reason, but you can plant them in a reasonably lit room.

Craft Your Farm Plots

To start your garden, you'll need to craft one or more farm plots and use up some resources. Most of the resources to start your farm through a plot are pretty readily available, so you likely won't need to do too much searching around. You'll need these items for one farm plot:

  • 8x Wood
  • 5x Nitrate Powder
  • 25x Clay Soil
  • 10x Rotting Flesh

Once you've got everything you need, press Craft from the inventory screen.

Find Seeds And Plant Them

Next, get some seeds. These can either be bought, crafted through a perk, or - perhaps the easiest route - farmed from a plant you've found in the world. Once you've got your hands on some seeds, pick them up, head to your farm plot, and plant it. It'll take 2 real hours for your plant to grow fully, so be patient.

Harvest Your Food

Once the two hours are up, your crops will be ready for you to harvest. Just click them and they'll be in your inventory for you to access. If you want to, you can always reuse a farm plot and plant more seeds to keep your farm going; however, the most efficient way to get more seeds is to regularly get them from any crops and food you might see growing out in your journeys.