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How To Counter The Pig In Dead By Daylight

Wondering how to counter The Pig in Dead by Daylight? Here's how to win more matches against this stealthy killer.
How To Counter The Pig In Dead By Daylight

The Pig might not be one of the strongest killers in Dead by Daylight, but she has a pretty versatile kit on her side, allowing her to stealthily approach survivors and injure them with her Ambush ability. She can also create slowdown and even potentially kill survivors with her Reverse Bear Traps, making a strategic Pig player a truly formidable foe.

When playing against The Pig, the pressure on your survivor team can often become too much - but there's always a way to counter this killer. Here's how to play against The Pig in Dead by Daylight, including the best counters to all of her abilities.

Remain Vigilant Against The Pig

dead by daylight pig counter stealth
The Pig's primary power is her stealth, so take care to avoid being Ambushed. (Picture: Behaviour Interactive)

The Pig is a stealthy killer, so she's able to make her strongest plays when she can sneak up on a survivor using her Crouch ability and injure them with her Ambush. To avoid getting caught off guard by a smart Pig player, it's important to stay vigilant of your surroundings at all times. If you're working on a generator, make it a point to look around you to look for a sneaky killer who might be hiding in the bushes. If you're playing with a team of survivors, communicate regularly about The Pig's location so no player can be injured by her Ambush.

Don't Rush To Take Your Trap Off

dead by daylight pig reverse bear trap
It's not always smart to take your Reverse Bear Trap off immediately; instead, you may want to wait until you absolutely have to take action. (Picture: Behaviour Interactive)

There are certain situations in which you should dash to the nearest Jigsaw Box as soon as you can, but this isn't always the case. A trap on your head is only triggered - meaning the timer begins - after your team repairs a generator after it is placed on your head. In other words, you shouldn't rush to take your trap off until a generator has been repaired. This allows you to spend more time on generators at key times and only work on removing your Reverse Bear Trap when it really makes sense to do so.

That's all you need to know to counter The Pig in Dead by Daylight, including how to avoid her stealthy Ambushes and how to prevent her Reverse Bear Traps from killing you and your team. While this killer has many different abilities, she is overall more simple to counter than she might seem at first glance. Good luck in the fog!