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Final Fantasy 14: Can You Still Get The FFXV Noctis Outfit?

It's been a while since Final Fantasy 14 dropped its FFXV collaboration, so can you still get your hands on the Noctis outfit in-game?
Final Fantasy 14: Can You Still Get The FFXV Noctis Outfit?

With Final Fantasy being such an extensive franchise, it's no surprise that from time to time we see in-series crossovers within Final Fantasy 14. In the past, we've seen outfits based off of past FF protagonists (Yuna & Tidus to name but a few), and special mounts in the style of those from past games, such as Final Fantasy 15's Regalia. 

A few years ago, Square Enix ran a collaboration event between Final Fantasy 14 and Final Fantasy 15 titled "A Nocturne for Heroes" in which a new questline was made available that saw the arrival of Prince Noctis in Eorzea. Beginning with a quest titled "The Man in Black," players with a character at level 50 or higher, and had completed the Main Scenario quest "The Ultimate Weapon" were able to access this collaboration questline. 

The event initially ran  in 2019, and then once more from September 13, 2021 up until October 18, 2021. Through completing the event, players could earn a selection of rewards which included the Regalia mount, Noctis outfit & hairstyle, the Noctis Lucis Caelum Triple Triad Card, and a number of Orchestrion Rolls. It's been a while since the event first ran, so are players still able to collect the rewards from it, namely the Noctis outfit?

Final Fantasy 14: Can You Still Earn A Nocturne for Heroes Rewards? 

Sadly, it seems the window to collect the rewards from "A Nocturn for Heroes," including the "Prince's Attire" Noctis outfit, has passed. The questline was only made available for a second time back in 2021 and has yet to return in-game. However, that's not to say the event won't return for good. From what we can tell, the outfit was never added to the Mogstation, suggesting that the event and its rewards could make a return in the future. 

The outfit was earned as the final reward upon completing the "Messenger of the Winds" quest, which included the following items:

  • 24000 XP
  • 1755 Gold
  • Lucian Prince's Jacket
  • Lucian Prince's Boots

The full armor collection consisted of:

  • Lucian Prince's Jacket
  • Lucian Prince's Fingerless Glove
  • Lucian Prince's Bottoms
  • Lucian Prince's Boots