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Fortnite Faces Backlash After The Release of a "Confrontational" Emote Blocker

Fortnite players are puzzled by a new "confrontational" emote blocker. For those in the dark, here are the details.
Fortnite Faces Backlash After The Release of a "Confrontational" Emote Blocker
Epic Games

Fortnite has cemented its status as one of the most popular games on the market, thanks in large part to its ability to appeal to players of all ages through its family-friendly design. Over the years, the game has made numerous efforts to enhance its family-friendly image. However, its latest move has sparked backlash from fans.

Specifically, the game is set to introduce an emote blocker, which will eliminate some of the more controversial emotes. This decision hasn't been well-received by fans, who are expressing their discontent. Let's delve into the specifics of this change and its potential implications for the future of Fortnite's emote system.

Fortnite Faces Backlash After The Release of a "Confrontational" Emote Blocker

In a recent update announcement on X (formerly Twitter), the official Fortnite page shared a tweet addressing certain emotes, particularly highlighting "Take the L," expressing concerns about their confrontational nature. In response, tomorrow's update (v29.30) will introduce a new option called Confrontational Emotes setting. This toggle feature, as stated by the developers, will affect emotes like "Laugh It Up," "Take the L," "Whipcrack," and "Make It Plantain," making them invisible to players who enable this setting.

Players opting for the Confrontational Emote setting will observe a player using these emotes standing still, without sound. Accessing this feature is simple: navigate to "Social Privacy," where by default, these emotes will only be visible from friends in your party. However, users can change this setting at any time, allowing them to either see these emotes from any player or not at all.

While this decision appears arbitrary to some, many players express concerns about potential future censorship and limitations in the game, even going as far as to call the devs at Epic "soft" for this strange addition to the game. Fortnite creator PeQu questions the necessity, asking, "Who's getting offended by emotes lol," while Fortnite Streamer CourageJD jests, "LMAO we are so doomed."

Fortnite Fans Backlash After Confrontational Emote Blocker More news to come
We'll have to wait and see how Epic Games decides to balance its confrontational features for both younger and adult demographics in their audience. (Picture: Epic Games)

Understanding both viewpoints, Epic Games seems to aim at balancing the satisfaction of both sides of their audience with this optional setting for the future of the game. However, players worry that this might signal a trend towards Fortnite targeting younger players more, given the game's existing appeal to a youthful demographic.

The future direction of Fortnite's confrontational features remains uncertain, and players hope Epic Games maintains a balanced approach suitable for players of all ages, without overly favoring a family-friendly agenda.