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UFC 5 Takedowns, Trips, and Throws - Tips & How to Counter

If you're looking to take things to the ground in UFC 5, knowing how to execute takedowns, trips, and throws will give you the edge.
UFC 5 Takedowns, Trips, and Throws - Tips & How to Counter

While a new installment means innovation and new features, that also means the UFC 5 controls are shifting in some areas that even veterans may take some time to master. If you're looking for a ground offense, then UFC 5 allows you to take your opponents to the mat with takedowns, trips, or throws.

In the same way, you'll want to understand the UFC 5 controls for these moves if you hope to stay standing and keep takedowns from neutralizing your stand-up striking options. Here's everything you need to know about takedowns, trips, and throws in UFC 5.

How to Do and Counter Takedowns in UFC 5

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The most common way you'll be taking opponents to the ground in UFC 5, or find yourself taken there, is with takedowns. While simple on the surface, it'll take practice to really nail the timing of when and how to deliver unique takedowns.

Almost all fighters start with at least one Single Leg Takedown and Double Leg Takedown move, and they're executed by pressing LT + X + A or LT + Y + B on Xbox. If you're on PS5, that's L2 + Square + X or L2 + Triangle + Circle.

The complexity of those takedowns and the additional actions you take after initiating one will vary from fighter to fighter. Skilled wrestlers tend to have far more takedown options than boxers, so it's important to always check your fighter's moves to see what you've actually got to work with.

If you want to counter things, the best course of action is going to be holding LT + RT on Xbox or L2 + R2 on PS5 as this will low block and work as a takedown denial. Additionally, if you match the direction of a takedown with the Left Stick while trying to deny it you'll have a better chance at staying standing.

For advanced fighters who have the skills to execute it, you also have the option of submission and judo reversals. You'll hold LB or L1 (while also holding LT + RT or L2 + R2) for a submission reversal, and it's RB or R1 (while also holding LT + RT or L2 + R2) for a judo reversal.

If you're struggling with mastering the timing of this, spend some time doing the wrestling sparring drills in Career Mode as these are a great challenge to push your takedown skills. You can also spend time in Practice Mode or take a variety of fighters into Fight Now and slowly ramp up the difficulty as you improve.

Trips & Throws from the Clinch in UFC 5

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Alternatively, you may find some of your transitions to the ground are happening more frequently (or you desire them to happen more frequently) from the clinch position. You'll press X + A or Y + B on Xbox and Square + X or Triangle + Circle on PS5 to enter the Clinch.

Once there, you can start taking your opponent to the mat by pressing RB + A or RB + B on Xbox and R1 + X or R1 + Circle on PS5. However, keep in mind that many fighters without the specialization may not have a single trip or throw in their arsenal. Be sure to check your moves to ensure you're going for something you can actually execute.

Just like regular takedowns, you'll defend takedowns in the clinch by holding RT + LT or R2 + L2. As mentioned above, Career Mode sparring drills are a great way to practice this as several have challenges specifically focused on countering takedowns to stay standing in UFC 5.

You can also find the example images shown above in the Learn section from the main menu, or sometimes from Game Help when paused in an offline fight. Take the lessons you've learned into action and before long you'll be the master of takedowns in UFC 5.