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7 Days to Die: How To Find Traders & Get Traders Jobs

You can find traders in 7 Days to Die to get new items and jobs.
7 Days to Die: How To Find Traders & Get Traders Jobs
(Picture: The Fun Pimps)

In 7 Days to Die, traders offer you a variety of resources, such as tools, weapons, armor, and more. You can also interact with traders to take on jobs to help them out, which will also grant you some great rewards that will assist you in your quest to survive. Here's how to find traders, and what jobs they can offer you, in 7 Days to Die.

7 Days to Die: How to Find Traders

trader post 7 days to die
Trader posts can be found at POIs. (Picture: The Fun Pimps)

7 Days to Die features traders near almost every major POI, so towns and cities are the best places to look for traders. Each trader has a specific biome that they like to stay in, so you should be able to know roughly where to look.

The following five traders are available to find in every 7 Days to Die world seed:

Trader Name Wares Biome
Trader Bob Tools and vehicles Desert
Trader Jen Medical supplies Burnt Forest
Trader Joel Armor Forest
Trader Rekt Food and seeds Wasteland
Trader Hugh Weapons and ammo Snowy Forest

Once you find a trader in your world, it's a good idea to jot down their location so you can find them again when you need them. One helpful trick for identifying traders is to first find one of the traders, and then see if you can get an Open Trade Route quest. This will lead you directly to another trader, though this depends on whether you're lucky enough to get that type of quest.

While each trader has a specific type of item that they sell, they'll have different items in stock depending on the day and how far you are in your run. Therefore, it's a good idea to check back pretty often if you have your eye on a certain item that isn't currently in stock.

7 Days to Die: All Traders Jobs

trader 7 days to die jobs
Traders each have a unique outpost. (Picture: The Fun Pimps)

There are six different jobs that traders can offer you after interacting with them. Each job will require you to complete a different task, and will also give you unique rewards. Note, also, that each job has multiple tiers; you'll go up a tier each time you complete the job. Higher tiers mean better rewards.

Here are the five traders jobs you can take on, and what rewards you'll get. 

Fetch Jobs

To complete a Fetch Job, you'll need to head to a certain building and find a Courier Satchel. Inside, you'll find White River Supplies; when returned to a trader, you'll get the following rewards:

  • Tier 1: 2,500 XP and 500 Dukes
  • Tier 2: 3,750 XP and 560 Dukes
  • Tier 3: 5,000 XP and 800 Dukes

Clear Zombie Jobs

Clear Zombie Jobs have a simple and self-explanatory premise: defeat all the zombies in an area before going back to the trader. For doing this, you'll get:

  • Tier 1: 3,000 XP and 800 Dukes
  • Tier 2: 4,500 XP and 1,350 Dukes
  • Tier 3: 6,000 XP and 1,800 Dukes
  • Tier 4: 7,500 XP and 2,040 Dukes
  • Tier 5: 15,000 XP and 4,080 Dukes

Fetch and Clear Jobs

Fetch and Clear Jobs require you to both kill all the zombies in an area, and get the White River Supplies from that area. You'll just have to return to the trader for:

  • Tier 1: No rewards
  • Tier 2: 5,060 XP and 1,400 Dukes
  • Tier 3: 6,750 XP and 2,000 Dukes
  • Tier 4: 8,400 XP and 2,300 Dukes
  • Tier 5: 16,900 XP and 4,600 Dukes

Buried Supplies Jobs

For Buried Supplies Jobs, you'll have to head to a specific part of the map, find some White River Supplies, and come back to your trader for these rewards:

  • Tier 1: 2,500 XP and 560 Dukes
  • Tier 2: 2,500 XP and 940 Dukes

Open Trade Route Jobs

Open Trade Route Jobs are the easiest jobs on the list, only requiring the player to find another trader on the map. These jobs are actually pretty useful, too, since you'll be able to see the location of other traders when you have this quest active.

Once you're done finding the second trader, head back to the first one for the following rewards:

  • Tier 1: No rewards
  • Tiers 2-5: 500 XP

Restore Power Jobs

Restore Power Jobs are the only type of jobs that are only available at night. To complete them, you'll need to find and turn on a generator, which will attract zombies. Next, you'll have to kill those zombies and find your way back to the trader for these prizes:

  • Tier 1: No rewards
  • Tier 2: 5,060 XP and 1,400 Dukes
  • Tier 3: 6,750 XP and 2,000 Dukes