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Alan Wake 2: All Alex Casey Lunchbox Locations

Find out how to get all the lunchboxes and upgrades in Alan Wake 2. We have the complete list of their exact spots.
Alan Wake 2: All Alex Casey Lunchbox Locations
Remedy Entertainment

In Alan Wake 2, players can discover Alex Casey Lunchboxes hidden throughout the game world. These lunchboxes draw inspiration from the film adaptations of Alan Wake's crime novels. Within each lunchbox, Manuscript Fragments are waiting to be found.

These Manuscript Fragments serve a purpose compared to the Manuscript Pages, as they are used to craft weapon upgrades within Saga's Mind Place, a unique dimension granting access to her memories and abilities. These weapon upgrades will significantly boost your firepower and ammunition capacity, better equipping you to face the impending horrors.

So without any further delay, here's a detailed rundown of every lunch box location in Alan Wake 2:

All Alex Casey Lunchbox Locations in Alan Wake 2

There are 21 Alex Casey Lunchboxes in Alan Wake 2, and you'll notice colorful rock decorations around each Lunbhox.

Cauldron Lake

Alan Wake 2_ All Lunch Box Locations Cauldron Lake

  1. Near Witch’s Hut campsite.
  2. Along river bend.
  3. Off General Store path end.
  4. First cabin in Rental Cabins. Use Bolt Cutters on the gate.
  5. Behind the control tower ledge.
  6. Under the small cabin ledge.
  7. East of Witchfinder’s Station copse edge.
  8. By Mortar Falls sign.

Bright Falls

Alan Wake 2_ All Lunch Box Bright Water Locations

  1. On the way to the Ranger Cabin. 
  2. At the sign for Nursing Home and Cabin.
  3. On the beach. Only available after the boss fight in Overlap.
  4. By the big tree in the park. Available anytime after the first visit.
  5. Near the gate to Boat Yard. Only available after the flood recedes.
  6. In woods southwest of the Nursing Home and Wellness Center.
  7. Inside the Nursing Home office, specifically on the shelf.

WateryAlan Wake 2 Alex Casey Lunchboxes in Watery

  1. Near Watery Lighthouse
  2. Coffee World Parking
  3. Near the Radio Tower
  4. Watery Trailer Park
  5. On the way to Coffee World
  6. Next to the Motorcycle Club

The purpose of lunchboxes in Alan Wake 2 is to collect them as a type of collectible in the game. These lunch boxes are exclusive to Saga Anderson's story, containing messages from an unknown author. Collecting them also rewards the player with Manuscript Page Fragments, which can be used to upgrade weapons in the Mind Place.