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How To Save In Alan Wake 2: Break Rooms

Are you looking for the save game option in Alan Wake 2? Sorry, pal—you'll need to work for that!
How To Save In Alan Wake 2: Break Rooms
Remedy Entertainment

Want to save your game in Alan Wake 2? You're not alone—many players have been tearing their hair out looking for this godforsaken feature. Despite this option being missing from the pause menu, you'll be happy to know that it is possible to save in Alan Wake 2.

So, "How do you do it, then?" you might ask—hold your horses, pal! Can I at least pad this guide with a nice introduction before deep-diving into the nitty-gritty? Sheesh! Anyway... keep reading to learn all the steps on how to save in Alan Wake 2. You're welcome!

How To Save Game In Alan Wake 2

save game alan wake 2

As mentioned, it is possible to save your game in Alan Wake 2. However, this feature only becomes available after you complete the Return 2: The Heat chapter. To be more specific, you'll need to locate the Witch's Hut in Cauldron Lake roughly an hour into the storyline.

Having done this, you'll need to restore power to the facility by finding a fuse and inserting it into a fuse box (we have a dedicated guide to help you). Doing this will transform the Witch's Hut into a Break Room—a safe house where you can save your game in Alan Wake 2.

To force a manual save in Alan Wake 2, go to the thermos flask on the table of the Break Room. After doing this, you'll also earn the "Coffee Thermos" achievement.

alan wake 2 cauldron lake save location

Psst... hey you! Yeah, you! Did you know there are a ton of  otherAlan Wake 2 achievement trophies you can earn. Find a full list of them in our separate guide.

While the game will autosave at various points throughout the storyline (mostly during cutscenes), the Break Room is the only place you can manually save in Alan Wake 2. That said, if you f**k up—you might have to restart your progress and go through all the same hardship as before.

And that's everything you need to know about how to save in Alan Wake 2. It's really not that difficult, right? Cool—so, with that out of the way, you may be wondering what other awesome guides we've got. For that (and more), check out our dedicated guides section.