ARK: The Animated Series is now available for fans to enjoy on Paramount+ in Canada and US with it getting released globally on April 19. The story follows the adventures of Helena Walker, a 21st century paleontologist, as she finds herself on a mysterious island full of dinosaurs and other dangers.
To celebrate the launch, Studio Wildcard has added Dear Jane animated Explorer Notes to the game that you can collect to earn free animated skins. Now, it will be a difficult task to explore the whole map of The Island in order to search for the Dear Jane explorer notes, and thus, we have listed their exact locations below.
Note: Make sure to update your Dear Jane mod to get new Dear Jane Explorer Notes.
ARK Survival Ascended Dear Jane Animated Explorer Notes Locations
Dear Jane Animated Explorer Notes are scattered on the whole map and will be released every Tuesday and Thursday until April 11. In order to be able to access the notes, you will have to download the Dear Jane mod and activate it in the game and once done, go to the locations listed below:
#1 Dear Jane Animated Explorer Note Location
- Coordinates: 90.4 Lat, 12.7 Lon
- Rewards: Helena, Bob, Dodo and Scary the Parasaur Animated Skins
#2 Dear Jane Animated Explorer Note Location
- Coordinates: 82.8 Lat, 34.8 Lon
- Rewards: Meiyin, Rockwell, Raptor, and Rex Animated Skins
#3 Dear Jane Animated Explorer Note Location
- Coordinates: 91.9 Lat, 59.9 Lon
- Rewards: Pteranodon, Sabertooth, John, and Otter Animated Skins
#4 Dear Jane Animated Explorer Note Location
- Coordinates: 89.6 Lat, 90.4 Lon
- Rewards: Alasie, Argentavis, Bronto, and Stegosaurus Animated Skins
#5 Dear Jane Animated Explorer Note Location
- Coordinates: 52.1 Lat, 92.4 Lon
- Rewards: Giganotosaurus, Primitive Gaius Marcellus Nerva, Gladiatrix, and Yutyrannus Animated Skins
#6 Dear Jane Animated Explorer Note Location
- Coordinates: 31.1 Lat, 83.3 Lon
- Rewards: Quetzal, Doedicirus, Ankylosaurus, and Henry Townsend Animated Skins
#7 Dear Jane Animated Explorer Note Location
- Coordinates: 7.7 Lat, 93.8 Lon
- Rewards: Kor The Prophet, Daeodon, Megalania, and Mesopithecus Animated Skins
Studio Wildcard will release a total of seven explorer notes, with one becoming available every Tuesday and Thursday until April 11th. We will update this page as newer ones become available, so make sure to keep an eye on it.