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MW3 Campaign: Crash Site Phone Locations

Can't find the phones on the crash site? We've got you covered!
MW3 Campaign: Crash Site Phone Locations

Modern Warfare 3's Campaign features several open missions that frustrate players due to their vagueness and difficulty. Crash Site is one of these missions, and it features Farah Karim unveiling the story behind the plane crash caused by Makarov by locating phone recordings around the downed plane. However, these phones are very difficult to find. 

MW3 Campaign: All Crash Site Phone Locations 

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Image: Phone General Locations, Crash Site, Activision

Upon spawning, Farah needs to locate three "mobile devices" containing the recordings of the plane crash. These three mobile devices are located within the general vicinity of these marked circles on the map shown in the image above. 

To have these circles revealed, make your way around the left flank of the map, taking advantage of the tall grassy areas to conceal your location. There will be several enemies along the way. Kill them and move towards the left flank until the circles are prompted. 

Note: Please remember that it's virtually impossible to complete this mission fully in stealth. Once the circles are prompted, you reveal yourself and find the phones.
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Image: Mobile Device Location, Crash Site, Activision

The mobile device seen in the image is located on the left flank, closest to the small structure with the weapon spawn—it's found opposite the truck. 

Once spotted by enemies, the prompted circles on the mini-map are removed, so keep a mental note of where the mobile devices are located. 

Mobile device locations have similarities:

  • Surrounded by pieces of loose luggage/dead bodies 
  • Proped upwards on top of clothes/paper
  • Prompted for players to see and hack, often glowing

After hacking a singular mobile device, you will need to defend yourself against a round of enemies. It's recommended you wait inside a building and fight them from cover. Hacking a mobile device while fighting will likely kill you and restart the mission. 

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Image: Crash Site, Final Mobile Device Locations, Activision

The final two mobile devices are located inside the zones seen in the first picture, next to these landmarks. Look for the lifeless body of a passenger, which stands out due to a red hue from blood, on the side of the dirt path—that's where one device is. For the next one, move to the left of the building near the burning truck wreck in the adjacent area.

Once you finish this task, you'll have to head back to Alex for the next objective quickly. Continue to destroy waves of enemies and remain safe, or die and restart the mission!