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MW3 Zombies: How To Complete Outlast Contracts

Want to complete Outlast contracts in MW3 Zombies? Here's what you need to know.
MW3 Zombies: How To Complete Outlast Contracts

Modern Warfare 3 Zombies offers players a unique selection of tasks to complete leading to great rewards and fast progression. Outlast Contracts are amongst these tasks, located all around Urzikstan for players to complete, and are highlighted on the player tac map in blue with a satellite symbol.

Modern Warfare 3 Zombies: Where To Find Outlast Contracts

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Image: Activision

Outlast Contracts will spawn across the different tiers of threat zones within MW3 Zombies. As mentioned, the map's specific contract label for Outlast Contracts is highlighted in blue with a satellite symbol as seen in the image above. 

When finding the Outlast Contract, you must "Activate the PND" mechanism to begin the contract, leading to Zombies spawning and the battle beginning. 

Players will be required to stay inside the designated zone whilst battling the zombie hordes. If you leave the zone mission progress will halt and the contract's length will extend, leading to possible death. 

MW3 Zombies: How To Finish Outlast Contracts 

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Image: Activision

Players trying to finish the Outlast Contracts are required to stay inside the designated zone until reaching 100% completion. The more zombies that players kill, the quicker the mission concludes and players can escape. Purple crystals will spawn whilst the Outlast Contract continues to show players the boundaries of the mission. 

Players who head towards the exit of the Outlast Contract whilst it's continuing will notice the progress bar beginning to decrease. Its vital players remain within close quarters of the PND mechanism. Most players use these missions to farm zombies with their primary weapon, leading to faster weapon progression through XP collecting.

Players will experience a small variety of enemies in Outlast Contracts: regular zombies and hellhounds. However, depending on the threat zone you're currently situated within will dictate the level of zombies you're facing within the Outlast Contract. 

Once reaching 100% progression, players will be rewarded both Essence and a reward rift where you can find either armor plates or perks. Outlast Contracts are a great way to farm weapon XP and equipment.