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Dark Souls Archthrones Pus-Ridden Beast Boss Fight Guide

Defeat this horrid monster with our guide on how to beat the Pus-Ridden Beast in Dark Souls Archthrone.
Dark Souls Archthrones Pus-Ridden Beast Boss Fight Guide
FromSoftware / Archthrones Team

As you venture through the array of Archthrones introduced in the newly developed mod for Dark Souls 3 known as Dark Souls Archthrones, you'll encounter various bosses that serve as tests of your strength and skill. One of the initial bosses you face in the game is the Pus-Ridden Beast, and despite being an early encounter, it presents a formidable challenge.

If you've encountered difficulties with this boss and seek advice on how to overcome it, then continue reading. Below, we'll provide you with some straightforward and practical tips on how to defeat the Pus-Ridden Beast boss in Dark Souls Archthrones.

Dark Souls Archthrones Pus-Ridden Beast Boss Fight Overview

The Pus-Ridden Beast is one of the first bosses you'll encounter in the Archthrone of the Bountiful Queen's War-Torn Village area. The boss itself is characterized as a large four-legged beast/hound-like creature that utilizes curse abilities but primarily relies on melee strength, using both of its arms.

Pus Ridden Beast Boss Overview
The Pus-Ridden Beast is a powerful creature with two arms that each have specific attacks to watch out for. (Picture: Shane / Archthrones Team)

The fog gate to reach the boss can be found by discovering the Village Stables bonfire. From there, head left or in the direction that goes downstairs. Once outside, turn right and ascend the ladder. Go around the right side of the shack in front of you, climb the ladder to walk across the roof to the right.

Drop down here, and follow the path to reach a bridge. Once you cross it, you'll see the entrance to the boss fight. Upon crossing the fog gate, you'll encounter the boss, who possesses quite a few moves as well as a second phase. Let's break down its abilities below:

Pus Ridden Beast Boss How To Beat Phase 1
Below are the attacks the Pus-Ridden Beast will use in its first phase. (Picture: Shane / Archthrones Team)

Pus-Ridden Beast First Phase

  • Single Swipe: The Pus-Ridden Beast swipes using one of its arms. The larger arm results in a slow swipe, and the smaller arm is faster.
  • Swipe Grab: The Pus-Ridden Beast uses its larger hand to charge up (watch for that) and then grabs the player to slam them into the ground.
  • Slam Jump: The beast slams its larger arm onto the ground and uses it to propel itself toward you and deal a swipe attack as it lands.
  • Ground Slam: The Pus-Ridden Beast uses its larger hand to slam the ground, getting it stuck. Then it moves towards it and pulls its arm back out, resulting in a large AoE explosion.
  • Swipe Combo: A series of swipe attacks using alternating arms.
  • Slam Combo: The beast uses both of its arms to slam the ground if you're near it, but it will stop the combo if you back away.
  • Swipe roll: The Pus-Ridden Beast charges up, swipes with its large arm, and in the same motion rolls towards you over a large distance.
  • Falling slam: In desperation, the Pus-Ridden Beast raises its large arm and slightly leaps forward to fall flat on its stomach with its large hand stretching towards you.
  • Dive Slam: The beast charges up and leaps towards you, landing flat on its belly and crushing you if you're caught in it.
  • High Jump: The Pus-Ridden Beast jumps into the air and attempts to land on you, dealing heavy damage if it succeeds.
Pus Ridden Beast Boss How To Beat Phase 2
Below are the attacks the Pus-Ridden Beast will use in its second phase. (Picture: Shane / Archthrones Team)

Pus-Ridden Beast Second Phase

  • Slam Combo: The Pus-Ridden Beast crawls its way toward you, slamming each of its arms on the ground as it approaches.
  • Curse Spit: The beast spits out cursed magic in a cone shape towards you, which begins building up your curse meter and deals damage.
  • Curse Trail: As the beast slams toward you, it will leave a trail of curse "pus" on the ground that deals damage and builds up the curse meter if you touch it.

The strategy for this battle revolves around maintaining a mid-range distance from the Pus-Ridden Beast during its initial phase. This provides opportunities to strike between its movements or to retreat when it initiates larger combos or charges for leaps or dives. Crucially, observe the beast's arm movements, which telegraph its impending actions.

Pus Ridden Beast Boss How To Beat Phase 1 tips and tricks
The key is to watch the boss's arms and telegraphing for its attacks, using distance when he charges and closing in when the boss is recovering from larger attacks. (Picture: Shane / Archthrones Team)

When the beast raises its arm(s), anticipate swipes, slams, or grabs, while a charging motion signals forthcoming leaps, dives, or jumps. Exercise caution, attacking only when it's safe, as the beast lacks robust defenses and can be damaged from any angle. Beware of becoming overly aggressive when near the beast, as prolonged attacks may prompt it to retaliate with swift swipes or ground slams followed by evasion. Maintain distance and strike opportunistically, especially during post-attack cooldowns, such as after dives, slams, or rolls.

Upon reducing approximately half of its health, the Pus-Ridden Beast enters its second phase, shedding its legs and resorting to curse-based attacks. Stay vigilant during its ground slam combos, swiftly evading to avoid being staggered, and circumvent the curse trails left behind by maneuvering around the beast.

Pus Ridden Beast Boss How To Beat Phase 2 Tips and defeating it
Phase two is more straight forward but it can be harder to dodge the curse attacks, so don't let your guard down. (Picture: Shane / Archthrones Team)

When the beast prepares for its Curse Spit attack, swiftly approach from the sides or rear to minimize exposure to its curse-inducing hits. Remain cautious, as excessive exposure to curses can lead to instant death.

During the second phase, prioritize avoiding the beast's attacks until opportunities arise to strike during its Curse Spit or between slam combos, albeit at greater risk. With these tactics in mind, persevere until the Pus-Ridden Beast is defeated, enabling progression through the War-Torn Village. Stay alert and persistent; victory will eventually be achieved through practice and determination as is the mantra of the Souls Games that Archthrones is built on.