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How To Counter The Nemesis In Dead By Daylight

Here's how to counter The Nemesis in Dead by Daylight so you can win more trials when you face off against this killer.
How To Counter The Nemesis In Dead By Daylight

The Nemesis was the first of the killers from the Resident Evil franchise to join Dead by Daylight's fog, and with him, he brought an incredibly intriguing new power in the form of AI-controlled zombies as well as his Tentacle and the ability to infect survivors. Because his ability has so many different facets, it can be overwhelming to go against Nemesis as a beginner - but fret not, as you can counter The Nemesis with some game knowledge and practice.

To help you win more trials against this killer, we've created this helpful guide detailing how to counter The Nemesis.

Update 27 March 2023 - This article has been updated to reflect all of the changes to Dead by Daylight that affect the best counters to The Nemesis.

Dodge The Nemesis's Tentacle to Counter in DBD

nemesis dead by daylight tentacle
The Nemesis can use his Tentacle to infect survivors, making them more vulnerable. (Picture: Behaviour Interactive)

The Nemesis's Tentacle is arguably his most deadly ability, allowing him to attack survivors over pallets, through windows, and at a longer distance than his usual hits. He needs to level up his Tentacle by hitting survivors with it, eventually making it powerful enough to break pallets at Tier 3.

Even if you can afford to get hit, it's best to do your best to dodge The Nemesis's Tentacle. Note that the Tentacle's hit box can move after the attack is triggered - for as long as the blue line is visible - unlike many other killers' attacks, so be careful.

Tentacle hits level up the killer's power and make you vulnerable to injury or a down next time The Nemesis hits you with his Tentacle or you're hit by a Zombie, so don't get hit if you can manage it.

Don't Stay Infected, But Use Vaccines Wisely

nemesis dead by daylight
Vaccines are a limited but incredibly useful resource against The Nemesis. (Picture: Behaviour Interactive)

It's important not to stay infected for too long against The Nemesis; if you are infected, another hit from The Nemesis's tentacle or a Zombie will injure you or down you instead of infecting you for as long as you are afflicted. In other words, if you can't afford an injury or a down (such as when you have two hooks already), you should head for a Vaccine - but be careful.

There are only four Vaccines scattered around the trial, so you must use them wisely; if you use them all early in the trial but the killer manages to infect you later on, you'll be stuck without Vaccines for the rest of the trial. If you're surviving with friends, it's a good idea to talk amongst one another to determine the best time to use each Vaccine and whom to use it on.

That's all you need to know to counter The Nemesis as a survivor in Dead by Daylight, including how his power works and all of the best ways for you to avoid being hit by it. Good luck in the fog!