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How To Counter The Plague In Dead By Daylight

If you want to counter The Plague in Dead by Daylight, you'll need to think wisely against this strategic killer.
How To Counter The Plague In Dead By Daylight

Trials against The Plague in Dead by Daylight can be daunting, given the fact that this killer can pressure areas of the map with her infection without even being actively present there. As a survivor, it can feel overwhelming - and disgusting! - to run around the map trying to not only avoid The Plague's infection but repair generators at the same time.

Don't fret, though, as playing against The Plague doesn't have to be a death sentence as a survivor. While this strategic killer might have plenty of tricks up her sleeve, you can beat her if you're determined. To help you out, we've created this guide on how to counter The Plague in Dead by Daylight.

February 17 2023 - This article has been updated to reflect all of the most up-to-date strategies to counter The Plague in Dead by Daylight.

Avoid Getting Infected By The Plague

plague dead by daylight infection
You'll want to avoid getting infected by The Plague's sickness for as long as you can. (Picture: Behaviour Interactive)

Being infected by The Plague will not only make you more vulnerable by making you Broken, but it will also make her more powerful if you decide to eventually cleanse since you will give her a Pool of Corruption to use. You should avoid getting infected by The Plague for as long as you can. If no other survivors are infected, avoid working on generators that have been infected, and do not touch objects that are infected.

If you do find yourself in a chase with The Plague, you can still avoid getting infected by her vomit if you try. Just dodge the projectiles and use obstacles like walls and rocks to help put distance between you and The Plague's ranged attack.

Don't Cleanse Immediately Against The Plague

dead by daylight plague cleansing sicknesss
While it's tempting to cleanse immediately against The Plague, you'll want to wait until the time is right. (Picture: Behaviour Interactive)

Sometimes, it's inevitable to find yourself infected against The Plague. If you do find yourself in this position, don't panic and immediately run to the nearest Pool to cleanse; instead, consider staying injured. If you cleanse in a Pool, it will turn into a Pool of Corruption. When The Plague drinks from a Pool of Corruption, the Entity gives The Plague her insta-down power, meaning she can instantly down not only you but other survivors despite your newly healed health state. Work with your team to determine the best times to cleanse, if at all.

That's all you need to know to counter The Plague in Dead by Daylight. To put up a fight against this killer, play strategically, avoid getting infected if you can, and don't panic if you do end up getting infected.