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How To Counter The Doctor In Dead By Daylight

Here is how to counter the terrifying Doctor as a survivor in Dead by Daylight, including the best tips, tricks and strategies.
How To Counter The Doctor In Dead By Daylight

The Doctor in Dead by Daylight is known for his ability to quickly find survivors by making them scream, as well as driving them deeper into Madness with each shock. The Doctor has two different abilities he can use - Static Blast and Shock Therapy - making him a more formidable foe than some other killers and allowing for some very clever plays.

Let's take an in-depth look at how to counter The Doctor in Dead by Daylight and avoid his many abilities.

Hide In Lockers to Counter The Doctor in DBD

lockers dead by daylight
Hiding in a locker is a foolproof way to avoid The Doctor's attacks. (Picture: Behaviour Interactive)

While hiding in lockers is a terrible idea against most killers - including The Dredge - it's actually a very smart play if you're up against The Doctor. When this killer uses his Static Blast attack, all of the survivors in the vicinity will scream, revealing their locations. You'll also gain a Madness level, which can cause you to hallucinate visions of The Doctor in-game and hear a fake terror radius from afar.

The catch is that you will not scream, and therefore will not notify The Doctor of your location if you are in a locker.

Don't waste too much time hiding out, but once you hear The Doctor begin charging his Static Blast attack, you have a little bit of time to jump in a nearby locker to save yourself from imminent detection.

Make Distance in Dead by Daylight to Counter The Doctor

doctor dead by daylight
The Doctor in Dead by Daylight can only shock survivors in the near vicinity, meaning that making distance on him is the best move possible as a survivor. (Picture: Behaviour Interactive)

The Doctor's Static Blast attack has a large radius, meaning it's easy for him to detect survivors in areas all around the map. Aside from jumping into a locker, the only way to avoid screaming and upping your Madness level is to stay away from The Doctor and out of the blast radius.

The Doctor's Shock Therapy attack has an even shorter radius, only really coming of use in loops or to prevent survivors from vaulting when used correctly. In other words, staying far away from The Doctor will allow you to avoid not just one but both of his attacks.

That's all you need to know to counter The Doctor in Dead By Daylight. The best ways to avoid The Doctor's attacks is simply to make distance on the killer and hide in lockers at appropriate times. Good luck out there in the fog!