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Dead By Daylight's Greenville Square Map Has One Big 'Casting of Frank Stone' Easter Egg

Dead by Daylight's Greenville Square map from All Things Wicked contains lots of Easter eggs.
Dead By Daylight's Greenville Square Map Has One Big 'Casting of Frank Stone' Easter Egg
(Picture: Behaviour Interactive)

Dead by Daylight's newest map from the Chapter 31 PTB, Greenville Square, is full of lore-based secrets and Easter eggs for fans to explore. Greenville Square features the Moonstone Cafe (Mikaela Reid's workplace), various statues (one bearing the etched names of Mikaela and new survivor Sable Ward), and even a movie theater complete with an arcade. 

Of course, the presence of a movie theater - especially one featuring a huge projector screen that players can run past - raises the question... can you watch a movie in Dead by Daylight? Apparently, the answer is yes, as just a few days into the All Things Wicked PTB, dataminers discovered that it is, in fact, possible to play a movie clip on Greenville Square's big screen. By completing some set of actions, it's possible to activate the projector and theater screen to play a scene from The Casting of Frank Stone. However, it's still unknown as to how to play the scene as of the PTB.

Given that the projector plays a scene from The Casting of Frank Stone, an upcoming game set in the Dead by Daylight universe, it's very possible that the new chapter and its characters might be tied to that future title.

Another secret on the Greenville Square map is one of the pallets inside the movie theater's arcade; when vaulted, it makes a video game "coin" sound to fit the arcade theme.

Greenville Square might just have more secrets and Easter eggs than any map before it; this is great news for fans who love to explore the details of the map's environments. Many of them tie into the game's lore, too, raising questions as to how the new chapter - including The Unknown and Sable Ward - ties into the existing (and future) Dead by Daylight story.