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How To Counter The Shape In Dead By Daylight

If you're wondering how to counter Dead by Daylight's Michael Myers, also known as The Shape, you're in the right place.
How To Counter The Shape In Dead By Daylight

As the first licensed Killer to be added to Dead by Daylight, Michael Myers from Halloween, also known as The Shape, has become a staple in the game. He is known for his stealth ability, "Stalk," which allows him to silently track Survivors and gain "Evil," increasing his power, speed, and lethality as the match progresses. To survive against him, players must understand his ability and employ smart strategies as a Survivor to escape the trial. So here are some of the best counters to The Shape in Dead by Daylight.

Break Line Of Sight From The Shape

The Shape is pretty much useless during Tier 1 and can only gain speed and lethality by Stalking Survivors to tier up. If The Shape can't see you, he can't Stalk you. To prevent Michael Myers from reaching his deadly Tier 3, you can break the line of sight by hiding behind walls and even objects like generators. Even while he's chasing you, it's a good idea to use trees and other objects to prevent him from staring directly at you.

michael myers dead by daylight stalk ability
If The Shape can't see you, he can't Stalk you. (Picture: Behaviour Interactive)

Stay Alert And Aware Of Michael Myers

If you let The Shape sneak up on you, it's easy for him to gain hits even during his least lethal stage. Keep an eye out for him even if you don't hear his terror radius; he doesn't have one during Tier 1! It's hard to listen to The Shape closing in on you as his breathing is extremely soft, too, so you'll need to keep an eye out for him if you want to avoid an ambush. He's extremely slow, even at his fastest possible speed, so don't let him intimidate you - be aware of his presence constantly, and keep your distance at all times.

Watch Out For The Shape's Add-ons

Michael Myers is one of the weakest Killers in Dead by Daylight's Killer roster without the help of add-ons, but add-ons can completely change how he's played. For example, one add-on called Scratched Mirror keeps Michael Myers in Tier 1 infinitely but allows him to see Survivors' auras whenever he likes. Another will enable him to stay in Tier 3 infinitely but makes it significantly harder for him to get there. Perhaps his most impactful add-on, Judith's Tombstone, even allows him to kill healthy Survivors who have never been hooked.

michael myers addons judiths tombstone
Michael Myers has add-ons that completely change how he is played, making him much more dangerous. (Picture: Behaviour Interactive)

To win against Michael Myers, you should have a plan and strategy for any add-ons you might go up against. The best way to do that is to familiarize yourself with the most commonly used Shape add-ons that switch up gameplay. It's also worth noting that many Myers players will combine two add-ons to complement one another to create a terrifying build.

Here's a look at The Shape's best add-ons:

  • Scratched Mirror - Stalking reveals the Auras of all Survivors within 32 meters of your location. The Shape is unable to progress past Evil Within I. Each Hit Score Event grants 200 % bonus Bloodpoints in the Deviousness Category and the regular Bloodpoints gained in the Brutality Category.
  • Fragrant Tuft Of Hair - Grants unlimited duration to Evil Within III. Increases the amount of Evil required to reach Evil Within III for the first time by +200 %.
  • Judith's Tombstone - Grants the ability to kill healthy or injured Survivors while in Evil Within III. Increases the amount of Evil required to reach Evil Within III for the first time by +200 %. Reduces the Movement speed of The Shape by -9 % while in Evil Within III.

That's all you need to know to escape more matches against The Shape, also known as Michael Myers. Be sure to keep an eye out for his strongest add-ons, and always keep your distance from this Stalking Killer!