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Top 5 Quietest Survivors In Dead By Daylight

These are the top 5 quietest survivors in Dead by Daylight.
Top 5 Quietest Survivors In Dead By Daylight
Behaviour Interactive

When playing Killer in Dead by Daylight, you'll use sound, visuals, and intuition to tip you off to survivors' locations; hearing a survivor's groans of pain, or even their footsteps or breathing, can be enough to let an experienced killer know where you are. Some survivors are quieter than others, making it more challenging to find them when they're trying to hide out.

Here are the top 5 quietest survivors in Dead by Daylight, so you can keep an eye out for these sneaky survivors as the killer or pick one to play when playing Survivor.

Top 5 Quietest Survivors In Dead By Daylight

dead by daylight quietest survivor
Some DBD survivors are quieter than others. (Picture: Behaviour Interactive)

1. Sheva Alomar

Added as a licensed skin in part of Dead by Daylight's second Resident Evil collab, Sheva Alomar happens to not only be a very popular character but also a very quiet one. She likely owes her stealth to her BSAA training, which she showcases in Resident Evil 5.

2. Zarina Kassir

Zarina Kassir is one of DBD's quietest survivors, as she doesn't make much noise throughout the match. Even her breathing is pretty quiet, meaning that you won't run the risk of a highly attentive killer finding you and putting you in a sticky situation when playing this character.

3. Kate Denson

Boasting one of the softest voices in Dead by Daylight is Kate Denson; this is a little ironic since she's a singer and probably has one of the most powerful voices in the game, too. That said, she doesn't make much noise when getting hit or even when placed on the hook, so Kate Denson is overall a good choice for stealthy players.

4. Ace Visconti

Ace Visconti's set of personal perks might not stand out in an ever-growing roster of game-changing survivor perks, but he still stands out as a character worth buying and playing simply because he's so quiet. Ace hardly makes any noise at all when injured, meaning you'll be a lot more likely to lead the killer to your location with trails of blood or getting your aura revealed than by noise.

5. Cheryl Mason

Silent Hill survivor Cheryl Mason is described as a "veteran of terror" in the game's description, having faced off against the horrors of the infamous titular town in Silent Hill 3. It makes sense, then, that she's a seasoned enough survivalist to maintain stealth even around the deadliest killers. Both her uninjured breathing sounds and her injured grunts of pain aren't too loud,, allowing her to stay hidden.

Those are the most silent Dead by Daylight survivors; playing one of these characters can help you make an efficient escape, or hide stealthily from the killer.