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Dead By Daylight September Update Finally Addresses Anti Face-Camping, Skull Merchant Rework, & More

Dead by Daylight's newest mid-September development update includes anti-face-camping measures, a Skull Merchant rework, and more.
Dead By Daylight September Update Finally Addresses Anti Face-Camping, Skull Merchant Rework, & More
(Picture: Behaviour Interactive)

Dead by Daylight's mid-September development update includes numerous quality-of-life updates, such as anti-face-camping measures, a rework for Skull Merchant, and numerous updates to killers and perks on both sides. Here's an overview of the most important changes featured in the update.

Dead By Daylight September Development Update

Anti Face-Camping

Dead by Daylight promised it would implement anti-face-camping measures in the Year 8 Roadmap, and those promises are finally coming to life with a new anti-face-camping meter. The meter will fill when the killer is near the hook, camping a survivor (but will stop filling if there are other survivors nearby).

Once this meter is full, the survivor will be able to immediately unhook themselves (whether on the first hook state or second). They'll be granted the same Endurance and Haste as if they used Deliverance or another survivor unhooked them.


Skull Merchant Rework

Also in this update is a full rework for Skull Merchant, changing the way her Drones work entirely. They will no longer be able to track survivors who are standing still, rendering them unable to track down survivors who are working on generators and thus minimizing her three-gen abilities.

Survivors will also only get a Claw Trap after they've been tracked by a drone three times, and Eyes in the Sky will now have two modes: Scouting and Stealth. However, to make up for these nerfs, she'll now have six drones to deploy.

skull merchant dead by daylight rework
Skull Merchant received a rework in the newest development update. (Picture: Behaviour Interactive)

Map Changes

The September update includes visual changes to the Shattered Square map, including fewer spots where survivors and killers alike will get caught on the edges. Further, the maps in the MacMillan Estate realm will also get variations of each map, moving around the loops depending on RNG.


Killer Tweaks

Finally, the developer update wraps up with numerous killer and perk tweaks. The most major of these changes is that the Trapper now starts out with 8 Bear Traps on the map rather than 6. The Deathslinger will be able to reload more quickly, making add-ons less essential. Also among the changes are minor buffs to Background Player and Ghost Face's Furtive Chase.

That's everything in Dead by Daylight's September 2023 development update. It includes numerous changes to killers, including a rework for The Skull Merchant, and a new anti-face camping mechanic that survivor mains will no doubt rejoice over.