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Should You Give The Godsbane To Ambrosius In Dragon's Dogma 2?

The Godsbane is a dangerous weapon to fall into the wrong hands. So, should you offer it up to Ambrosius.
Should You Give The Godsbane To Ambrosius In Dragon's Dogma 2?
Capcom, Alexandra Hobbs

During your adventures through Battahl in Dragon's Dogma 2, you'll be tasked with finding the source of the godsway and how it affects Pawns. Your search will lead you to Ambrosius, who is hunting for a way to harness the godsway to greater effect, all to serve Lord Phaesus. 

Following along with the questline, you'll eventually get your hands on the Godsbane — a powerful weapon infused with the power of a past Arisen. It's mostly dormant in its received state, but it's the key to Ambrosius' studies. Once you retrieve it, you'll be given the chance to bring it to Ambrosius.

Should You Give Ambrosius The Godsbane Blade In Dragon's Dogma 2?

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Ambrosius wants to make a powerful godsway, the likes of which have never been seen. (Picture: Capcom, screenshot: Alexandra Hobbs)

In short, yes. You should give Ambrosius the Godsbane Blade as doing so will enable you to retrieve the Empowered Godsbane Blade that you'll use further down the line. But let's go into a bit more detail.

Once you hand over the Godsbane Blade to Ambrosius, he'll then ask you for 15 Wyrmslife Crystals which he can use to empower the blade. These can be retrieved from any dragon that you fell, including Lesser Drakes. This is no easy task, and Pawns run the risk of catching Dragonsplague. However, you should only need to defeat one to get the crystals you need. Wyrmslife Crystals are also integral in making powerful upgrades to your equipment, so get ready to kill more dragons later.

With the Wyrmslife Crystals acquired, return and give them to Ambrosius and he’ll thank you for your help, saying it’s precisely what he needs to complete his work. He’ll ask you to come by again the next day, where he’ll have produced a “godsway of unparalleled quality.”

When you return, Ambrosius will have finished the Godsbane and states that he must deliver it to Lord Phaesus. He’ll say that he cannot leave it to you to deliver.

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The Godsbane Blade will be returned to you. (Picture: Capcom, screenshot: Alexandra Hobbs)

The mysterious figure that has been guiding you throughout your adventure will then appear, casting a spell on Ambrosius which will make him change his mind. He’ll then give you the weapon to deliver to lord Phaesus. 

The figure will then tell you to “Make haste to Moonglint Tower” and a new quest will be granted: The Guardian Gigantus. It will instruct you to deliver the blade to Phaesus. For your part in building the blade, you’ll receive 35000 Gold, a Wakestone, and the Empowered Godsbane Blade. Interestingly, it cannot be equipped as a weapon. At least, not yet.

Need more guidance for Dragon's Dogma 2? Check out where you can find the Jadeite Orb, and all the Seeker's Tokens rewards