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Aggies Coach ready for College Football 25 launch to distract players

Texas A&M players may be sawing logs during training camp thanks to EA Sports College Football 25.
Aggies Coach ready for College Football 25 launch to distract players
EA Sports

Instead of getting ready to saw varsity's horns off, the Texas A&M Aggies may find themselves drawn to EA Sports College Football 25 when the game finally arrives. After more than a decade away, the series that hit pause after NCAA 14 will return and feature most of the top college athletes around the league. However, it's the exact timing of the EA Sports College Football 25 release date that one coach picked up on.

EA Sports College Football 25 could be the star of fall camp

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In a recent appearance at the Houston Texas A&M Club, head coach Mike Elko joked about the potential impact EA Sports College Football 25 could have on his players this year. While the series itself has been on hiatus, this won't be the first time he's seen a video game release steal attention away from his players.

"In full disclosure, because I've been a part of this before, you can't imagine how much the release of a hot new video game can impact your football team," Elko said, per The Eagle reporter Travis L. Brown.

"I remember going all the way back to when the second Call of Duty came out and it got released in October in the middle of one of our football seasons," Elko continued. "We literally were having meetings with our defense about why it was not good to say up until four in the morning playing call of duty. We had practice at 7 o'clock the next morning."

While Brown clarified this was all in good humor, it's a fair reality for coaches to be prepared for as the game arrives during fall camp for most teams. It's been years since the spectacle of this series has been felt across college football, and every single player that agreed to have their likeness featured receives not only a payment but a copy of EA Sports College Football 25.

In all likelihood this will be such a universal challenge that teams and coaches should adjust without too much trouble, though the social media allure of playing and posting about it are on a level that the NCAA 14 launch couldn't fathom. In the end, it's now just one more piece of the puzzle every season. On the plus side, all the players diving in like this will probably motivate EA Sports to aim for as much accuracy as possible when it comes to College Football 25 playbooks.