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Fallout 76 Weekly Challenges This Week: Reset Time, Challenges Checklist

Let's run through the weekly challenges available in Fallout 76 this week.
Fallout 76 Weekly Challenges This Week: Reset Time, Challenges Checklist

When Fallout 76 players are not crafting items, one of the things that they likely trying to do is complete weekly challenges. On this page, we'll tell you everything you need to know about these weekly tasks including what challenges are available this week.

What Are The Fallout 76 Weekly Challenges This Week?

Remember that weekly challenges are tied per account. That means that once you complete a challenge on one character, you cannot finish that challenge on another character on the same account. This is to prevent players from farming up precious items that can be used for multiple accounts, like Atoms.

With that being said, here are the current challenges released on 23 July 2024, available until 30 July 2024:

  • Repeatable: Gain 10.000 XP (below rank 100)
  • Complete a Gold Star daily challenge (x3)
  • Complete an Event (x3)
  • Craft a Throwable weapon (x20)
  • Eat pre-war food (x25)
  • Harvest a wild plant or fungi (x30)
  • Kill a Human Enemy (x30)
  • Kill a Mirelurk (x30)
  • Scrap junk to produce bone (x15)
  • Scrap junk to produce Oil (x15)
  • Sell a Yao Guai Ribs to an NPC vendor

What Time Do Fallout 76 Weekly Challenges Reset?

Weekly challenges in Fallout 76 typically change on Tuesday at 12 pm EST. These challenges by Bethesda will allow players to challenge themselves to earn various rewards. There is a large range of different challenges that can be done in Fallout 76. It can be collecting an item, selling items, or even taking pictures of a monster in the game.

Time Until New Fallout 76 Weekly Challenges Go Live
6 days, 19:03:09
Weekly Challenges Fallout 76
Some Weekly Challenges might ask players to kill or even take a picture of a monster in Fallout 76. (Picture: Bethesda)

What Rewards Do I Get For Completing Weekly Challenges?

You might be wondering, is it worth it to complete weekly challenges in Fallout 76? We think it is worth it, at the very least. The main reward that you will receive for completing Weekly Challenges in Fallout 76 is earning points towards your S.C.O.R.E. board.

As you may know, S.C.O.R.E. is essentially the battle pass for Fallout 76. Some of the rewards that you could get are skins for weapons or armor, player icons, weapons, and Atoms. Atoms are the best reward here due to the fact that they typically can only be bought with real money. So completing weekly challenges is definitely worth it for the Atoms alone.