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How To Find Shells In LEGO Fortnite

Shells in LEGO Fortnite are easy to find once you know how. Here's what you need to know.
How To Find Shells In LEGO Fortnite
Epic Games/Z1 Gaming on YouTube

LEGO Fortnite is all about collecting a variety of different resources and using those resources to survive. In this is a Sandbox Survival game, players will need to gather as many resources as possible to make survival easy. That means often, players will have to gather as many materials as possible.

These materials allow players to create new items to build out their village or prepare for attacks. One important resource players can collect is Shells. Here, we are going to go over how to find and collect Shells in LEGO Fortnite.

How To Find Shells In LEGO Fortnite

LEGO Fortnite Shells
Shells are important for players in LEGO Fortnite. (Picture: Epic Games/Z1 Gaming on YouTube)

Finding Shells in LEGO Fortnite will require players to find Rollers,  a type of enemy in LEGO Fortnite that will drop Shells once they are defeated. To find Rollers, players will have to go to stay in the Grassland biome. The crabs will be buried in the ground but will have flowers growing out of their backs.

Once approached, the Roller will reveal themselves and then start attacking the players. The important step is to dodge or block the rolling attack. Once that is accomplished, players will have a large window to attack the Roller. Once defeated, the Roller will drop a Shell and players can use that Shell to craft items.

What Do Shells Do In LEGO Fortnite?

Players will have to defeat some enemies to find Shells in LEGO Fortnite. (Picture: Epic Games/Z1 Gaming on YouTube)

Shells are a crafting material in LEGO Fortnite which means they do nothing by themselves. Players will have to combine Shells to create some new items. Mostly, players are going to be using Shells to make a Health Charm which add two extra hearts and gives players three extra points of defense.

An important note is that Shells can be only found in the Grasslands. Every other biome in LEGO Fortnite does have Roller Crabs but they drop different kinds of Shells. If players are looking for Shells that do not have any extra labels on them, then the only way to do so is to hunt crabs in the grassy biome.