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All 10 Adopt Me Tix Locations | Roblox The Classic Event

Here are the exact locations of all 10 Tix in Adopt Me during Roblox The Classic Event.
All 10 Adopt Me Tix Locations | Roblox The Classic Event
Picture: GINX

The much awaited Roblox The Classic event has begun in Adopt Me and players can earn Tokens and find Tix in order to grab exclusive prizes. Among these, Tix are hidden in different places in the game and Adopt Me has a total of 10 Tix for you to find. Here are the locations of all of them.

Where To Find All 10 Adopt Me Tix Locations In Roblox The Classic Event

Tix #1

When you join Adopt Me, you will get a notification of navigating to Adopt Me The Classic Event. Once you navigate, it will take you to NooBurt NPC and the first Tix can be found just next to him over the top of the building. 

Tix 1 Location in Roblox Adopt Me.
Tix 1 Location in Roblox Adopt Me. (Picture: GINX)

Tix #2

Go to school in the game and enter the second room on the right side and you will find the second Tix between the Book Shelves.

Tix 2 Location in Roblox Adopt Me.
Tix 2 Location in Roblox Adopt Me. (Picture: GINX)

Tix #3

Enter the Nursery and go to the Babies section on the right side. You will find your third Tix behind the NPC Anna.

Tix 3 Location in Roblox Adopt Me.
Tix 3 Location in Roblox Adopt Me. (Picture: GINX)

Tix #4

You can find the fourth Tix in the Hospital. Go upstairs in the Hospital and enter the room there. You will find a Tix in the corner on the left side behind the chairs.

Tix 4 Location in Roblox Adopt Me.
Tix 4 Location in Roblox Adopt Me. (Picture: GINX)

Tix #5

Enter the presents building on the left side of NooBurt NPC. This is a difficult Tix to get as you will have to showcase your parkour skills for it. Once you are the presents building, take a ride and go upstairs.

From there, go above the red rocket in front of you and then, reach the yellow star by jumping on the clouds. Jump on the red rocket in front of you and from there jump across the clouds and reach the scenery on top to find the Tix.

Tip: Use flying pet to reach the location quickly.
Tix 5 Location in Roblox Adopt Me.
Tix 5 Location in Roblox Adopt Me. (Picture: GINX)

Tix #6

Go to the Ice Cream Parlour, the purple building on the right side of Tunnel to the Neighbourhood. Head to the skating area on the back and you will find the Tix in the pink hoop.

Tix 6 Location in Roblox Adopt Me
Tix 6 Location in Roblox Adopt Me. (Picture: GINX)

Tix #7

Go to the Honey Shop, the red building on the left side of Tunnel to the Neighbourhood. You will find the seventh Tix on the back of Beetrice.

Tix 7 Location in Roblox Adopt Me.
Tix 7 Location in Roblox Adopt Me. (Picture: GINX)

Tix #8

Go under the central bridge and enter the tunnel building. Go forward and climb the branch on the left side to find Tix on it.

Tix 8 Location in Roblox Adopt Me.
Tix 8 Location in Roblox Adopt Me. (Picture: GINX)

Tix #9

Go to the Grocery Shop/Market and enter the Fridge on the right corner next to the fruits. Climb up the blue tower next to the blue turbine on the entrance and you will find Tix under the slide.

Tip: Use flying pet to reach the location quickly.
Tix 9 Location in Roblox Adopt Me.
Tix 9 Location in Roblox Adopt Me. (Picture: GINX)

Tix #10

Go to the Licence Place on the right side of the Grocery Shop/Market and you will find the last Tix under the stairs on the right side.

Tix 10 Location in Roblox Adopt Me.
Tix 10 Location in Roblox Adopt Me. (Picture: GINX)