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All Star Wars Outlaws Story Trailer Easter Eggs & References

Star Wars fans, it's time to get sleuthing as we inspected the Star Wars Outlaws to shift Easter Eggs and references featured in the trailer.
All Star Wars Outlaws Story Trailer Easter Eggs & References
(Picture: Massive Entertainment / Ubisoft)

The Story trailer for Star Wars Outlaws featured action-packed moments as players gained more insight into the major locations and characters within the galaxy's criminal underworld. This underworld, which is undergoing a "golden age" with plenty of crime groups and syndicates taking advantage of the battle between the Galactic Empire and the Rebellion to make plenty of Credits, the game's protagonist, Kay Vess, gets caught up in this world looking to free herself from a life of crime.

As such, she'll encounter numerous characters and travel to locations within the Outer Rim as players explore her backstory and journey to freedom. However, developer Massive Entertainment has included plenty of Easter Eggs and references that many Star Wars fans have spotted, so let's look at the biggest, most surprising, and hidden Easter Eggs and references that have been discovered.

The Crimson Dawn Has Returned

Qi'ra was last seen in the 2018 film Solo: A Star Wars Story so where has she been during the missing years? (Picture: Ubisoft / YouTube)

One of the first notable references many players and Star Wars fans spotted was the return of the Crimson Dawn. This organization can be seen fairly early into the trailer, but the biggest surprise is that Qi'ra, a notable member of this organization, appears in the trailer.

Fans will remember this character debuting in the 2018 film Solo: A Star Wars Story; the organization has been operating since the Clone Wars at the height of the Galactic Empire. It makes sense, given that Outlaws is set between The Empire Strikes Back and The Return of the Jedi, for this organization to be active around this period and also ties in with another Easter Egg seen in the trailer. 

A New Threat In Play?!

Sliro claims that this period is a "golden age" for the criminal underworld, but what does that mean for the galactic empire? (Picture: Ubisoft / YouTube)

As mentioned, Star Wars Outlaws occurs between two pivotal Star Wars films: The Empire Strikes Back and The Return of the Jedi. The trailer's feature of a carbonite-frozen Han Solo suggests that the game's events could have occurred sometime before The Empire Strikes Back, as Solo was discovered at Jabba's palace by Kay, which may have dated the game either during The Return of the Jedi or three years after the Death Star was destroyed.

This was further teased by a specific line of dialogue by Sliro, leader of the Zerek Besh crime syndicate, who said, "a rebellion that won't quit" in reference to the Empire being too preoccupied with their ongoing battle with the Rebellion. This line could be viewed as a warning to the Galactic Empire that they may be a more imposing threat to their dominion, other than the Rebellion, but how this may play out could be explored in Outlaws.

Solo In Carbonite

Why, hello there, Han Solo! (Picture: Ubisoft / YouTube)

Carbonite-freezing has been featured throughout multiple Star Wars projects, from The Clones Wars, Rebels, The Empire Strikes, and The Mandalorian, and it's included in Star Wars Outlaws in a callback to one Star Wars film. In what appears to be a carbonite-frozen Han Solo, this encasing was found by Kay during her time at Jabba's palace, and at some point canonically, the Crimson Dawn once had possession of it after it was stolen from Boba Fett, whom Qi'ra had intended to use a frozen Solo for her plans when she took over as its new leader.

The Crimson Dawn may play a far more significant role in Outlaws, and if Qi'ra is one of the characters Kay Vess may accept missions from, it's worth putting a Sticky Note on this detail for future reference. Likewise, given that Qi'ra had stolen a frozen Solo from Boba Fett, there could be a possibility that events surrounding these events from Return of Jedi may unfold in-game.

Another Mon Calamari Makes An Appearance

Another Mon Calamari character will appear in a Star Wars property as Danka is portrayed as Kay's broker in Star Wars Outlaws. (Picture: Ubisoft / YouTube)

In Star Wars canon, Admiral Ackbar is one of the most recognizable Mon Calamari, having played a pivotal role during prominent battles against the Galactic Empire, including the Clone Wars and the battle between the First Order and the Resistance in the sequel trilogy films. Another Mon Calamari makes a "blink-and-you'll-miss-it" appearance as a Mon Calamari is seen to be filling the role of an associate or information broker of the game's protagonist.

Danka appears momentarily in the story trailer, providing some advice to Kay, which teases some of the difficult situations and choices Kay will have to make to survive the criminal underworld and avoid being a target by the Empire. Ackbar and Danka contrast each other as we know that Ackbar is a loyal commander affiliated with the Rebel Alliance, the New Republic, and eventually, the Resistance, while Danka operates as a middle person between the syndicates and the Galactic Empire

The Rancor Pit Is Back... Again

It can't be a Star Wars game without Jabba the Hutt, his palace, and the Rancor Pit. (Picture: Ubisoft / YouTube)

With the Crimson Dawn still an active organization and Han Solo frozen in carbonite at the time of the game's events, another iconic Star Wars location appeared in the Story trailer. Kay had stumbled upon the carbonite-frozen Solo, so it's befitting that the Rancor Pit at Jabba's palace appeared since Kay found Solo at this location.

Kay will encounter Jabba the Hutt at some point in Outlaws, but it does allude that she won't be there for pleasantries but possibly to meet her demise. In the footage, she is seen standing over the gate to the Rancor Pit, but canonically, we know that Luke Skywalker had escaped the pit, so the question is, will she be trapped there, too?

Only time will tell.

Are These The Clone Droids We Looking For?

What do we have here? A Clone-era battle droid, perhaps? (Picture: Ubisoft / YouTube)

Well, not specifically everywhere, but one particular frame during the Story trailer showed two familiar-looking droids. We saw a Rodian who appeared to be ripping apart a droid that looked familiar to the golden-clad C-3PO, but something else also appeared in this frame.

A droid behind the Rodian appears to be one from the Clone Wars era, although it does look like a battle droid. It remains unclear how the Rodian came into possession of a Clone-era droid and what it's using it for other than parts, but it's a unique detail for players to store in their minds.

Kay And Nix Are Deep Within The Pits

This pit looks awfully familiar but not as menacing. (Picture: Ubisoft / YouTube)

Another iconic locale from Star Wars canon was shown in an intense chase sequence, which may tease us that her meeting with Jabba the Hutt didn't end well. The Great Pit of Carkoon, which appeared in The Return of the Jedi, was seen during this chase as Kay and Nix entered the Sarlacc Pit; however, this one isn't the same as the re-released film.

During The Book of Boba Fett series, audiences saw the Mandalorian bounty hunter escaping the pit after being knocked into it in the aforementioned film. In Outlaws, it appears that Kay and Nix are more than likely to escape and survive the pit due to its characteristics of not appearing too menacing with the omission of its tentacles and its mouth being retracted.

Fending Off A Dragon Is The Way

This is the way to go head-to-head with a Krayt Dragon. (Picture: Ubisoft / YouTube)

Aside from Tatooine being a location that players will visit and explore, various creatures await them on their adventures here. One such creature will be familiar to fans of The Mandalorian series as the Krayt Dragon will appear in the game and one that Kay and Nix will go up against in the dunes of Tatooine.

During The Mandalorian series, we saw Din Djarin getting swallowed by this creature before the explosives inside were detonated and slaying the beast, but how would Kay and Nix defeat it? The trailer showed the duo riding the dunes on a speeder during this encounter, so how they'll be able to defeat the Krayt Dragon will be nothing short of spectacular.