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NieR Team Keeps Fans Guessing With Word of Their Latest Project

A recent interview has revealed that the team behind the iconic NieR franchise is working on a new game and it could be a new NieR game, but it also may not be.
NieR Team Keeps Fans Guessing With Word of Their Latest Project
Yoko Taro

NieR franchise enthusiasts have long harbored slim hopes for a sequel, with very little evidence emerging in recent years. Despite occasional speculationthere has been no solid indication from the studio or producers regarding any ongoing projects. 

However, that changed recently as the team has disclosed that activity is indeed underway behind the scenes, yet, whether this entails a new NieR installment or an entirely fresh intellectual property remains uncertain, so let's dive into the details below.

The Team Behind the NieR Franchise Is Currently Developing a New Game

In a recent conversation between former Capcom producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi and NieR producer Yosuke Saito (as reported by Gematsu), it was disclosed that Saito will be reuniting with series director and composer Yoko Taro and Keiichi Okabe to embark on a fresh project. However, Saito emphasized that whether this venture would result in a new NieR installment or an entirely original intellectual property remains uncertain.

The Team Behind The NieR Franchise Is Currently Developing A New Game
It's been confirmed that a new project is being worked on by the same team that created NieR, but it's unclear as to whether it will be a NieR sequel or a brand-new IP. (Picture: Square Enix)

During the discussion, Saito expressed his long-held desire to collaborate with Taro and Okabe, hinting at forthcoming developments. He stated, "I’ve been talking about wanting to do something with Yoko and Okabe for some time now. I’ll have something a bit more put-together to say in the not-too-distant future, so please stay tuned. It might be NieR, it might not be NieR. That’s about all I can say for now."

While this revelation might disappoint fans deeply invested in the intricacies of the NieR universe (count me among them), it's still an exciting and hype-inducing prospect to witness the creative minds behind one of the most beloved hack-and-slash/JRPG titles of our time venture into new territory. So regardless of whether this project unfolds within the NieR continuity or as a completely fresh endeavor, we are all excited.

The Team Behind The NieR Franchise Is Currently Developing A New Game Future Prospects
Whether it be a new game or a NieR sequel, fans of the franchise and the studio behind the games are more than ready for whatever new journey awaits us in this new title. (Picture: Square Enix)

Saito himself seems enthused about the endeavor, expressing, "I’m doing various things with the idea of creating something that does not yet exist. I can’t devote my time to that fully, so most of it has been left to the staff, but it’s turning into something quite interesting. I’m looking forward to the day we can announce it."

Thus, it appears that Saito is committed to delivering something innovative, whether it blossoms within the NieR universe or emerges as a standalone creation. Needless to say, the fans are more than ready to dive into whatever new journey the Saito and co. are cooking up, so we say, let them cook.