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Pokémon GO Mega Evolution and Mega Raid updates

Pokémon GO's newest update is bringing Mega Levels, plus updates to Mega Evolution and Mega Raids. Here's everything you should know.
Pokémon GO Mega Evolution and Mega Raid updates

In Pokémon GO news, developers have announced a brand new update to Mega Evolutions and Mega Raids that will enhance the Mega Evolution experience.

The update is already live in Australia and New Zealand, but players all around the world will have access soon.

Here's what players need to know about the changes and enhancements.

Pokémon Go Mega Evolution and Mega Raid Updates

Mega Levels are a totally new feature. (Image: Pokémon GO Trailer)

The update will come with a number of new features and updates to existing gameplay mechanics. "We're making several updates to Mega Raids and Mega Evolution in Pokemon GO to make both more fun and rewarding than ever before," said Ibe Owunwanne, one of Pokemon GO's product managers working on the update, in the company's official announcement video.

The new update will feature a new gameplay element called Mega Levels. With Mega Levels, trainers make progress toward a Mega Level each time they Mega Evolve that Pokémon. The higher a Pokémon's Mega Level, the more bonuses it will have.

Pokémon GO New Feature - Mega Levels

According to the Pokémon GO site, the new bonuses will be as follows:

  • Increased chance of earning Candy XL when you catch Pokémon that are the same type as your Mega-Evolved Pokémon.
  • Increased XP for catching Pokémon that are the same type as your Mega-Evolved Pokémon.
  • A Pokémon’s rest period decreases as its Mega Level increases.

These bonuses will be in addition to existing bonuses. This sounds like it will make Mega Evolution more rewarding and worthwhile, giving players pretty significant buffs for taking the time to Mega Evolve their favorite Pokémon.

Pokémon GO Mega Evolution Updates

Pokémon GO's Mega Evolution is getting a mega update. (Image: Pokémon GO Trailer)

Now, after players Mega Evolve a Pokémon once, they won't need to use Mega Energy again to evolve that Pokémon.

According to the Pokémon GO site, here's how it will work:

  • After Mega Evolving, your Pokémon will be fatigued and need time before it can Mega Evolve again. Once this rest period is over, the Pokémon can Mega Evolve again without using Mega Energy.
  • You can use Mega Energy to decrease a Pokémon’s rest period. The Mega Energy required to Mega Evolve a Pokémon will decrease as the Pokémon’s rest period becomes shorter.

This will no doubt make Mega Evolution significantly more accessible for players who plan on Mega Evolving their Pokémon again and again.

Pokémon GO Mega Raid Updates

Mega Raids will now be easier, allowing players to complete them with fewer players. Pokémon GO's Mega Raid and Mega Evolution updates sound promising, and they'll go live globally soon so all players can join in on the experience.

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Featured image courtesy of Niantic.