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MW3 All Multiplayer Mastery Camos

There's plenty of mastery camos to unlock in Modern Warfare 3. Here's what players can look forward to.
MW3 All Multiplayer Mastery Camos

Call of Duty players have been grinding camos ever since the release of the original Modern Warfare title in 2007, with players grinding for red and blue tiger camos. Sixteen years later the grind has continued, with players using their camos and cosmetics to showcase their dedication and skill within their Call of Duty of choice. 

With Modern Warfare 3 now live, players are becoming more and more curious about what they can unlock, especially mastery camos. With Dark Matter, Damascus, and Orion being the previous offering, we're surely in for a treat in MW3.

How To Unlock All Modern Warfare 3 Mastery Camos

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Image: Activision

The camouflages seen in the above image were leaked via the Modern Warfare 3 beta. When unlocking a mastery camo in Modern Warfare, the player is awarded a Calling Card for the weapon they unlocked the mastery camouflage on. These mastery Calling Cards were available to view in the beta, leading to their leak. 

Names of all Multiplayer mastery camos in MW3 so far:

Modern Warfare 3's camouflage system replicates the previous MW2 system. Instead of getting headshots to progress through the camouflages, it's a series of challenges; headshots, longshots, double-kills, and so on.

This is simply because there are layers to each weapon, similar to the MW2 camouflage system; Gold, Platinum, Polyatomic, and Orion. Modern Warfare 3 will share a similar system, allowing players to manifest their skills further before having to get long shots instead of constant headshots like in other Modern Warfare/Black Ops titles. 

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Image: Activision

The mastery camouflage game will certainly take a while to fully complete, with players previously clocking five days of gameplay time total before cashing in their Orion camouflage on Modern Warfare 2. MW2's grind was unforgiving, time-consuming, and most definitely frustrating; MW3 will not be the exception.