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Dead by Daylight Silent Hill Chapter Review: Is The Executioner Worth Buying

Dead by Daylight's Silent Hill chapter introduces The Executioner and Cheryl Mason.
Dead by Daylight Silent Hill Chapter Review: Is The Executioner Worth Buying
(Picture: Behaviour Interactive)

Two famous horror worlds collided when Silent Hill's characters joined Dead by Daylight in the Silent Hill chapter, featuring Cheryl Mason and Pyramid Head (The Executioner) and the Midwich Elementary School. Since then, the game has expanded upon its Silent Hill roster significantly, adding the likes of Silent Hill 2 protagonist James Sunderland, Cybil Bennett, Lisa Garland, and even Alessa Gilesspie.

A Pyramid Scheme

Perhaps the most important part of any DBD chapter is its killer. The Silent Hill chapter in Dead by Daylight comes with The Executioner, who is a truly unique killer, to say the least. His ranged attacks are powerful, but more punishing to you than the survivors if you aren't precise with your aim. If you do master his ability and know how and when to hit survivors, however, they'll need to watch out. You can hit them through walls, and, especially with add-ons, your range is truly dangerous.

pyramid head dead by daylight
Pyramid Head can Torment survivors and hit them with ranged attacks. (Picture: Behaviour Interactive)

The most interesting aspect of his build isn't Pyramid Head's aim-dependent ranged attack, though; it's his ability to affect survivors with Torment. When Tormented, survivors will initially scream and give the killer Killer Instinct - but, perhaps more importantly, they'll also be able to go to a Cage of Atonement if you choose, after you down them.

No hook perks can protect a survivor in a Cage of Atonement, and they won't have any protection after they're saved from it. This will allow you to easily down them after they've escaped, provided you're able to make your way over there in time (Cages will move if you stick around too long prior to a survivor being saved).

Pyramid Head lends himself to some pretty controversial gameplay; he's excellent at tunneling, and, though efficient and often used in championships, it's often frowned upon in casual games.

The Executioner's perks aren't particularly powerful, though Deathbound can be useful in some niche builds. Overall, Pyramid Head is certainly a killer you'd buy if you're particularly interested in his playstyle, or in Silent Hill in general - but his perks aren't necessarily worth it on their own.


Cheryl Mason, on the other hand, does have some worthwhile perks for survivors, and switch up gameplay in interesting ways. Repressed Alliance gives survivors the ability to block a generator, preventing killers from kicking it at key times. Blood Pact can help you and your teammates stay alive.

Then of course, there's Cheryl's cosmetics; they don't come with the chapter, but they'll be available for you to buy once you've got the DLC. You can turn her into Maria, James Sunderland, Lisa Garland, Cybil Bennett... the list goes on and on. For Silent Hill fans, there's a ton of great content in Dead by Daylight, and an extra outfit might be worth the additional purchase if you're a huge fan who wants to play your favourite character.

Dead by Daylight Silent Hill - The Verdict:
Dead by Daylight's Silent Hill chapter has everything fans of the franchise will want, with a myriad of purchasable characters also available so you can play as your favorite character. The included killer, Pyramid Head, is a force to be reckoned with, with a unique ability and playstyle that remains true to his source. Cheryl Mason brings some great perks to the table, too, with an appearance that also honors her source material perfectly.
Review code was provided by the publisher.
Reviewed on PC