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Demonologist Time of Death Locations: How To Find Cyclone Street Time of Death

Here's how to find the ghost's time of death in Demonologist.
Demonologist Time of Death Locations: How To Find Cyclone Street Time of Death
The ghost's time of death is written on the wall. (Picture: Demonologist)

Each map in Demonologist is unique, and each one tasks players with different goals in identifying the ghost. On the Cyclone Street map, you'll need to find the ghost's time of death in order to perform an Exorcism. That information isn't readily available to you, so you'll need to do a little sleuthing to find out when your ghost died.

Taking the time to find the ghost's time of death is well worth it, since it'll allow you to complete an optional objective and take home some extra money after your ghost-hunting endeavors. To help you out, here's how to find the ghost's time of death in Demonologist.

time of death demonologist
Ghosts write their time of death in Ectoplasm, so you'll need an Ectoplasma Glass. (Picture: Clock Wizard Games)

How To Find The Time Of Death In Demonologist

To Exorcise the spirit on Cyclone Street, you need to find the ghost's time of death and then set every clock on the map to that exact time. The time of death only spawns on this particular map, so you won't want to look for it in other areas like the Abandoned House.

The time of death is written on the wall of the location in Ectoplasm. To find the Ectoplasm on the wall denoting the ghost's time of death, head to Cyclone Street and identify the ghost. Next, grab the Ectoplasma Glass and begin looking around the house on walls using the tool. You can look in bathrooms, bedrooms, and the basement.

Once you find the time of death, jot it down. You'll need to set all of the clocks on the map to that specific time. Like the time of death itself, the locations of the clocks are randomized, so you'll have to look around to find them. You might find some clocks while you're looking for the time of death, so you'll want to note their locations as you go, too, to make things easier for you as you complete the objective.

Now you know how to find the ghost's time of death in Demonologist to Exorcise the ghost in this location. Every map in Demonologist has a different process to Exorcise its resident ghost, so it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with all of the maps' strategies so you can easily complete this profitable optional objective.

Demonologist Time of Death Not Showing Up

Plenty of players online have complained of being unable to find the time of death in Demonologist. Some believe that it never spawns because of a bug with the Cyclone Street map. Here are two examples of players encountering a bugged Time of Death:

"Happened so many times already, we searched every nook and cranny and the time never spawned and the ghost chain hunted killing everyone. This is incredibly stupid. This is a bug confirmed because the time of ghost death never spawns sometimes."

"Sometimes there is this other odd bug where I have checked the top floor on Cyclone and made sure that there really no ghost timing up there but when my friend goes up to check with the ecto glass, it magically spawned upstairs at a location that I confirmed myself that no timing was there earlier at the exact spot. wtf is with this game, man. Likewise it can happen the same for downstairs as well."

To date though, there doesn't appear to be any issues with Time of Death. Do note, according to the official Demonologist Patch Notes, an update on 4 April 2023 did fix a "Time of death issue" so it could be all those problems with Time of Death Not Showing up or Spawning is all in the past.