Showcase season may seemingly be over, with the exception of showcases that just keep getting announced daily, but we already know that we can expect an influx of Showcases post-Gamescom. In August, we can also expect a Destiny 2 showcase that will show off the final expansion pack for The Light and Darkness Saga. But what will appear during the showcase? When is it? We take a look at everything we know.
When Is The Destiny 2: The Final Shape Showcase?
The Destiny 2 Showcase will take place on August 22, which is the same day as Gamescom Opening Night Live. It's fairly likely, then, that we can expect it to either be a part of the Gamescom stream akin to how Day Of The Devs and Devolver Digital were part of the same overall stream as Summer Game Fest. There's the potential that we may see a trailer for The Final Shape during Gamescom Opening Night Live, as we also saw a trailer for Destiny 2 Lightfall during last year's Gamescom Opening Night Live.
What Can We Expect From The Showcase?
Usually during these showcases, we see more about the overall story of the Destiny world, rather than seeing any side activities that the expansion may add. Although, it's certainly possible that we see more on what else we can do within the expansion, given how Destiny 2 Lightfall was received lukewarmly at launch and seen as being on the lower end of Destiny 2 expansions overall.
Will There Be A Destiny 3?
Bungie has stated multiple times that they're not looking to create a third Destiny title, and are instead planning to add content to Destiny 2 for the foreseeable future. Now, that's not to say that we'll never see a Destiny 3, especially as Bungie inevitably looks to iterate upon both the game and the various mechanics in the title. It's not like Destiny 2 can do anything, so eventually Bungie will have to move on to a new game. It's a matter of when that's going to happen.