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All Elder Scrolls Online Cheats And Console Commands

If you want to make in-game changes or perform specific actions, you can learn how to access the Console Admin and its commands for ESO.
All Elder Scrolls Online Cheats And Console Commands

The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) has a broad list of cheats and console commands players can utilize in-game. This debugging tool has been a mainstay for PC players; however, with consoles supporting external peripherals like mouse and keyboard, console players can also use this tool.

Players can utilize various commands to execute specific actions in-game, whether playing on PC or console using the supported peripherals. We've detailed in this guide all the cheats and console admin commands you can use to enhance your gameplay or make chatting easy in The Elder Scrolls Online.

How To Access The Command Interface In The Elder Scrolls Online?

Players looking to access the Console Command panel for The Elder Scrolls Online on console and PC will require a keyboard and mouse for these commands to work. As console players will need to have the supported peripherals, they will need to press the ~ key on your keyboard for the console admin and "Enter" or the Menu and Map buttons on controllers for the chat window.

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Players can enable and access the Console Admin panel on console and PC once it has been set up in-game. (Picture: ZeniMax Online Studios)

Once you have the Console Admin panel on-screen, you can utilize several commands that can initiate a corresponding action once inputted. This is usually led by the forward slash symbol (/), with the command followed by a specific line of text for this to be activated in-game.

All Cheats And Console Commands For The Elder Scrolls Online

The cheats and console commands for The Elder Scrolls Online are extensive, as players can access gameplay and chat commands. Therefore, players can use these inputs to alter or enhance their overall gameplay experience or to have fast access to their social features.

For this list specifically, we won't be listing the standard keybindings. Once you've hit the ~ key on your keyboard when in-game, you can press the keys listed below to activate various cheats and commands:

Gameplay & General Commands
/bug Opens the bug report panel within the Help Portal panel
/chat Opens the "Ask for Help" window panel
/chatlog Toggle chat logging either on or off
/emote (/e or /me) Toggles command list that triggers emotes
/feedback Toggles the "Feedback" window panel in-game
/fps Views the current framerate on-screen
/help This brings up the in-game Help Portal panel
/invite Sends an invite to another player to your guild, which is followed by space with the player's in-game name using the @ symbol
/jumptofriend Transports you to the Wayshrine closest to your friend in-game
/jumptogroupmember Transports you to the Wayshrine closest to the group member in-game
/jumptoguildmember Transports you to the Wayshrine closest to the guild member in-game
/jumptoleader Transports you to the Wayshrine closest to your group leader in-game
/latency Views the current server latency on-screen
/logout This logs you out of the current server and returns you to the starting screen
/played Lets you view how time is spent playing ESO
/quit This logs you out of the game entirely and shuts down the game window
/readycheck Starts a "ready-check" sequence for all group members
/reloadui This refreshes the UI, which loads the sources from either XML or LUA files
/stuck This command informs that your character is reported to be stuck or "out of the world," which requires further in-game assistance
Chat & Social Commands
/guild1 or /g1 This command brings up the command list for the first guild listed; its name will auto-generate
/guild2 or /g2 This command brings up the command list for the second guild listed; its name will auto-generate
/guild3 or /g3 This command brings up the command list for the third guild listed, which its name will auto-generate
/guild4 or /g4 This command brings up the command list for the fourth guild listed, which its name will auto-generate
/guild5 or /g5 This command brings up the command list for the fifth guild listed, which its name will auto-generate
/officer1 or /o1 This command brings up the command list for the first officer in your guild listed
/officer2 or /o2 This command brings up the command list for the second officer in your guild listed
/officer3 or /o3 This command brings up the command list for the third officer in your guild listed
/officer4 or /o4 This command brings up the command list for the fourth officer in your guild listed
/officer5 or /o5 This command brings up the command list for the fifth officer in your guild listed
/party or /p This allocates the current chat to Party/Group and all texts will be forwarded to all party members in the chat
/reply or /respond or /r Allows you to reply to the last member who've sent you a text, followed by the @symbol
/say or /s Lets you revert to the local chat channel
/tell or /t or /w or /whisper Will let you speak or whisper to a party member, followed by the @symbol
/yell or /y Allows you to yell in the current chat channel by sending a text to all players within your location/vicinity
/zen, /zde, /zfr Triggers the English / German / French language
/zone or /z Activates the zone-wide chat

As there are likely more console commands to be found online and discovered in-game, we'll continue updating this guide once more information has been provided. Likewise, be sure to bookmark this page and check back for more news and updates.