In the latest Nintendo Direct, we got a lot of news about what was coming for the rest of the year for the Nintendo Switch and we even got some 2024 news as well. There were some obvious updates coming for the Switch but F-Zero 99 dropping that very day was a big surprise. F-Zero fans were excited to try out the new game modes coming to a classic hit.
F-Zero 99 is a game where lobbies of 99 different racers compete to place as high as they can while trying to survive being knocked out of the race. Surviving the various courses takes some skill, especially when they are newer courses. Here, we will be talking about the more recent courses introduced in the Queen League of F-Zero 99.
Queen League Adds New Courses To F-Zero 99
In F-Zero 99, there are a couple of courses that were introduced with the game. Players are racing on courses like Big Blue I and Mute City I. There were also Pro Tracks and tracks that could only really be challenged if they took on the Knight League Grand Prix. Now, the Queen League is available in F-Zero 99 and there are new courses that players can check out.
Now in F-Zero 99, there are new tracks for players to check out. This includes Mute City II, White Land II, Port Town I, and Red Canyon I. Death Wind II is included as well but this is only for the Pro Track Events that happen while playing the game. From what we can see, all of the Knight League Tracks are available as well.
When Are The King League Tracks Coming To F-Zero 99?
The addition of the Queen League tracks will not be the last time that F-Zero 99 will get new courses. It has been confirmed on the Japanese Nintendo Website that F-Zero 99 will also get the King League tracks as well. This will include Mute City III among a couple of other tracks that F-Zero fans will recognize.
The question becomes, when do the King League Tracks come out for F-Zero 99? If everything goes to plan, the King League Tracks will launch sometime in mid-October. After the addition of the King League Tracks, it is unknown if even more tracks will launch for F-Zero 99 or not.