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Dig It Patch Notes (1 February 2025)

Find the official Dig It patch notes right here!
Dig It Patch Notes (1 February 2025)

Looking for the latest Dig It patch notes? Look no further! This popular treasure-hunting Roblox game is all the craze, with new updates releasing weekly! From new shovels, islands, magnets, enchantments, and events—there's always something new to keep you hooked!

The game is very similar to Fisch—except you don't use a fishing rod; you use a shovel to unearth riches buried in the ground! Here’s everything you need to know about the latest updates in Dig It on Roblox.

Updated on 1 February 2025: The next Dig It patch (update 1.6) dropped early! It's live right now.

Dig It Update: Countdown Timer | Roblox

The next Dig It update is expected to come out on Sunday, 9 February 2025 at around 2 AM PST | 5 AM EST (United States) or 10 AM GMT (United Kingdom). There is no fixed schedule for new patches—however, most updates seem to drop on Sundays (sometimes Saturdays).

If you're unsure how long you must wait for the Dig It update to drop in Roblox, refer to the countdown timer below.

The next Dig It update should come out in
6 days, 23:56:30

Latest Dig It Patch Notes | Roblox

Here are the full Dig It patch notes on 1 February 2025:

Update v1.6: 

Update 1.6 is HERE, introducing the Valentine Island, Valentine's Day gifts, tokens, a new secret, new daily rewards, and a new event!

Valentines Island. 

  • Discover and explore the island of love that has appeared for the season of companionship
  • Discover, dig, and collect 23 new unique items that lay within the ground
  • Unearth three new limited-time gifts, of which are the Gift of Enchants, Hearts, and Skies which can be opened on the 2nd, 5th, and 8th of February respectively; alternatively purchase them from the store

Watchful Moon Event

  • Uncover a new event that may appear, which gives all players in the server a luck boost


  • Replacing Doolars when trading, we have now introduced tokens which will add a new unique layer to trading. Tokens can be purchased from the store.
  • Tokens will eventually be able to be 'used' to attain events, game passes, etc.


  • New secret
  • New daily rewards
  • Lunar New Year island has vanished
  • Cancel dig added to mobile

Important: If this section has not been updated but the new Dig It update has gone live in-game, then it's possible you're viewing a cached version. Try hard-resetting the page (SHIFT + F5) to get the latest uncached version from the server.

Previous Dig It Patch Notes | Roblox

Here's a changelog of all the previous Dig It updates on Roblox. Please note that I've only provided patch notes for big updates, not hotfixes.

Trading + Tropica Island


  • Replacing offering items, now when you equip an item and hold 'R', you will trade with another player!
  • You are able to trade treasure, mounts, and moles!

Tropica Island 

  • Explore the wilderness of an untamed jungle!
  • Offering 3 brand new shovels: Dynamite Shovel, Venom Shovel, and Solar Shovel!
  • A shrine is on the island, one that desires your fallen stars in exchange for the ability to buy the Solar Shovel
  • Various NPC's to have a... chat with


  • Meteor Shovel's chances to get the magma and hot modifiers have been nerfed
  • Ioniser Shovel's chances to get modifiers have been buffed
  • Ioniser Shovel can now dig up rainbow modified items
  • Mythical magnet's chance from magnet boxes has been increased
  • Secrets no long disrupt people when they are digging
Secrets (v1.4)
  • Added some new treasures of the new SECRET rarity! They all have a unique trait or ability that you can use but are extremely hard to get. They can be dug up anywhere with a low percent chance.
  • Added serial numbers when digging up treasures. From now on treasures you dug up get a serial number starting from #1, incrementing depending on how many people dug up that same treasure before you!
  • You can now move items around in your bank.
  • You no longer have to rejoin after someone gifted you a game pass.
  • Modifiers on a mount will now also be visible while riding them (this can be disabled in settings).
  • Fixed an issue with the mouse messing up the minigame.
  • Fixed a bug with moving items in your inventory.
  • Fixed some UI overlapping issues.
  • Fixed a bunch of other bugs.
Lunar New Year Update (v1.3)

Limited-Time Lunar New Year Island

  • To celebrate the Year of the Snake, a brand-new island has appeared in the Dig it world!
  • With new treasures for you to dig up, 3 of them being Legendary and 2 being Mythical!
  • Unearth three mysterious gifts: the Gift of Abundance, the Gift of Fortune, and the Gift of Dragons
  • The gifts will open on January 13th, 15th, and 18th respectively.
  • The event will end on January 31st, and the Lunar New Year Island will disappear along with it!

Daily Rewards

  • Join the game daily to receive cool rewards such as:
  • On Day 4, my daily Benson gave me the Evil Shovel
  • On Day 7, my daily Benson gave me the Seal Mount, which can be used to swim faster than a speedboat!
  • On other days Double XP or some of the NEW Magnets!

More... Enchantments

  • The Mother Mole has 7 new enchantments for you to get!
  • Three enchantments that boost two of your shovel's stats at once!
  • Two especially rare enchantments: Super and Blessed
  • There are rumors of an enchantment so legendary it makes your shovel Perfect

Other Additions

  • Evil Shovel
    • This shovel is EVIL (SCARY). I'm scared
    • It has a 50% chance to apply the new Evil modifier which sells your treasures for 2x the normal amount! (the Ioniser Shovel can also apply this modifier)
  • New Magnets
    • We've added the RARE, LEGENDARY and MYTHICAL magnets which GUARANTEE the treasure you dig up is AT LEAST of their rarity!
    • This means that the Mythical Magnet will guarantee that you dig up a Mythical!

Bugs Patched

  • We squashed some BUGS!!!!
The Meteor Update (v1.2)

Meteor Event

  • The meteor drops somewhere in the ocean!
  • The meteor is an island where everyone has to get together and dig up the meteor together
  • Everyone who helped dig up the meteor will get the Legendary Meteor once it's dug up
  • The person who did the most damage to the meteor will get the Mythical Meteor Core
  • Once dug up, behind the meteor you will discover the Meteor Shovel

Enchanted Shovels

  • You can now enchant your shovels to be stronger!
  • Currently, there are 6 enchantments and all of them are self-explanatory
    • Precise boosts your shovel's precision
    • Control boosts your shovel's control
    • Lucky boosts your shovel's loot luck
    • Strong boosts your shovel's strength
    • Stamina lowers your shovel's stamina loss
    • Durable boosts your shovel's max mass
  • There are 3 Tiers of each enchantment, each tier empowering your shovel far more than the previous!

But... how do you get an enchantment?!?!

Enchanting Moles

  • Introducing the brand new Mole Island, a tiny island where the Mother Mole and all her children live in the pit!
  • But oh no, most of them are lost?! And if you find one, rather than selling it, it's to your benefit to bring it to the Mother Mole for an Enchantment to your shovel!
  • The Legendary Mole is the common variant of the moles, it will be likely to give you a Tier 1 enchant.
  • The Mythical Royal Mole is the rare variant of the moles, it will be far more likely to give you a Tier 2 or 3 enchant.

Global 2x XP

  • To celebrate the update release, we are giving everyone 2 DAYS worth of 2x XP.
  • If you buy an XP Boost during this period, your 2x XP will turn into 3x XP.

Bug Fixes

  • Lots of bugs fixed!
  • The bank does not data wipe, it only visually makes the item vanish, if you rejoin the items come back
Update 1 (v1.1)
  • A new frozen island to discover!
  • Added 3 new shovels
  • 20+ new items to collect!
  • Added 6 new emotes to the shop!
  • Added a tutorial to the digging minigame for new players
  • Added a bank where you can store items (be near a banker to be able to store an item)
  • Added backpacks to the game (people who played the game before the update will get a free infinite backpack)
  • Items with a max value of $400 will have a higher chance of getting a modifier
  • Added 1 new title
  • Digging quests will now immediately accept items that you already have in your inventory
  • The price of the loot pit is now based on your level instead of being a fixed $400
  • Fixed a large ping spike when selling a full inventory
  • Fixed multiple issues with magnets
  • Multiple exploits have been patched (thanks to @kalasbrormand)

And that's everything you need to know about the Dig It patch notes!

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