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Evil Dead The Game Pink F - How to get and skill upgrades

Our guide explains what Pink F is in Evil Dead The Game, how you can get more of it, and which skills you can upgrade for Survivors.
Evil Dead The Game Pink F - How to get and skill upgrades

For those who've been hiding under their beds, Evil Dead The Game is a new asymmetrical multiplayer and co-op survival horror game from Saber Interactive. As players jump into the boots of Ash Williams and friends, they might be wondering what the Pink F item is, how they can get more of it, and how to use it.

In this guide, we outline the steps players can take to get more Pink F in Evil Dead The Game, and the skills for Survivors they can upgrade.

Evil Dead Pink F - How to get and what it is

Evil Dead the game pink F how to get locations supply crates use survivor skill upgrades points
Evil Dead players will need to find more and more Pink F across the map. (Picture: Saber Interactive)

Throughout Evil Dead The Game matches, you will come across Pink F items. Soon after picking up your first Pink F, we suspect all players will want more.

Bottles of Pink F allow players to upgrade Survivors skills. One skill point is allocated for spending every time you pick up a bottle of Pink F.

Evil Dead the game pink F how to get locations supply crates use survivor skill upgrades points
Loot supply crates to get more Pink F in Evil Dead The Game and spend those upgrade points! (Picture: Saber Interactive / Force Gaming)

In Evil Dead The Game, you can get more Pink F by looting Supply Crates scattered across the map. Just be careful, as some Supply Crates might be traps, such as miniature evil Ash Williams creatures jumping out and attacking you.

Additional Supply Crates will also be awarded for collecting the Kandarian Dagger and The Lost Pages. Epic and Legendary Supply Crates in Evil Dead The Game get you more Pink F.

Evil Dead Survivor skills upgrades with Pink F points

Evil Dead the game pink F how to get locations supply crates use survivor skill upgrades points
Upgrade your Survivor's skills using Pink F points. (Picture: Saber Interactive)

With each bottle of Pink F in Evil Dead The Game, you get one skill point to spend on your survivor, increasing their power.

Check out the list of skills you can upgrade with Pink F points for your Survivor below.

  • Melee - Upgrading Melee stat will increase your melee damage and attack speed.
  • Ranged - Upgrading Ranged stat will increase your ranged damage and reduce reload speed.
  • Health - Upgrading Health will… increase your character's maximum Health. Groovy!
  • Fear - Upgrading Fear will make you less susceptible to fear. The more fear you have the more vulnerable you are to the demon's abilities (marked on the map, able to be possessed, etc…).
  • Stamina - Upgrading Stamina will increase your Stamina level so you’ll be more agile during the match.
  • Shield - Upgrading Shield will increase your Shield Bars and you’ll be able to use more Amulets at the same time.

Keep in mind that upgrading these skills with Pink F points during an Evil Dead The Game match is not permanent. You will need to upgrade your Survivors again in the next match.

What is permanent, however, is character upgrades found in the Collection menu. Players are able to level up Survivors to Level 25 and Demons to Level 45, with levels being gained based on your performance in a match.

Check out an excellent gameplay video from Force Gaming below showcasing important details about Evil Dead The Game.

So there you have it, a guide to getting more Pink F in Evil Dead The Game matches, and the skills you can upgrade both for Survivors as well as Demons!


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Featured image courtesy of Saber Interactive.