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Senior VP at Sony, George Cacioppo, reportedly fired after paedophilia sting video

Following the release of a paedophile sting video by People v. Preds, Senior Vice President of engineering for Sony, George Cacioppo, has reportedly been fired.
Senior VP at Sony, George Cacioppo, reportedly fired after paedophilia sting video

George Cacioppo has been working for Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) for over eight years, focusing on engineering and the PlayStation network, according to his LinkedIn profile.

According to a report by CNET, Sony said in a statement on Sunday, 5th December, that Mr George Cacioppo has been fired: "We are aware of the situation and the employee in question has been terminated from employment".

Why did George Cacioppo get terminated by Sony? Well, the answer is quite shocking, as it involves some serious allegations including Mr Cacioppo using the app Grindr to attempt to meet an underage boy for sex.

George Cacioppo allegedly caught in paedophilia sting video

George Cacioppo fired paedophilia terminated sony playstation
Mr Caciopoppo moments before closing the door in People v. Preds video. (Picture: People v Preds)

On 3rd December, the YouTube channel, People v. Preds, uploaded a video showcasing George Cacioppo standing outside his home, allegedly waiting for a 15-year-old boy.

To be completely clear, People v. Preds impersonated a 15-year-old boy and no children were involved in this incident.

First, check out the video below. The video shows George Cacioppo, in a PlayStation 5 t-shirt no less, standing outside his home, and heading inside without providing any incriminating evidence or comment.

In the video, the People v. Preds person said that they could either talk or "I could call the cops" at roughly 04:30 in the morning.

Standing outside your home, clothed, isn't wrong, right? So why exactly is this such a big deal? 

Well, People v. Preds impersonated a 15-year-old boy and allegedly had a long, disgusting chat with George Cacioppo. 

George Cacioppo fired pedo sony playstation people v. preds
People v. Preds released a Google Drive folder showcasing the alleged chat. (Picture: People v. Preds)

You can read the alleged chat between who Mr Cacioppo thought was an underaged boy (according to People v Preds) via this Google Drive folder. Please note that some of the chat is of a mature, sexual nature.

According to the images in the folder, amongst other things, Mr Caccioppo (allegedly using the alias "Jeff" on dating ap Grindr) said: "cuddling, kissing and mutual oral" when asked what he wanted to do, declining sex in the process. There are also selfies of Mr Caccioppo wearing the same shirt as in the video.

Keep in mind that the images have not been verified by authorities that we know of at the time of writing.

At the time of writing, it is unclear if law enforcement has gotten involved, or if any official charges have been brought against Mr Cacioppo. 

Speaking to Kotaku, however, People v. Preds did note that "evidence has been turned into the authorities". This is a developing story, which we will endeavour to update once more information becomes available.


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Featured image courtesy of People v. Preds.