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Apex Legends 20th August patch notes: Devotion gets nerfed, Rampart bugs addressed

Season 6 just released this 17th August but the light machine gun has proved to be an issue for fans of Respawn's battle royale.
Apex Legends 20th August patch notes: Devotion gets nerfed, Rampart bugs addressed

Apex Legends received fresh new updates to its gameplay for Season 6, however, it seems some of these changes raised issues across the board, with developer Respawn Entertainment quick to address them in a patch just three days after the season started.

The Devotion light-machine gun, a powerful tool in the battle royale that was only available through supply drops previous to the arrival of Season 6, now can be found scattered around the map. Its enormous DPS capabilities paired with how much easier it is to find now has made the weapon dominate early on in Season 6, receiving a small nerf to fine-tune some stats, mainly recoil and lowering the damage output.

A new Legend, Rampart, made her debut with the latest season, adding unique abilities to the world of Apex Legends, but also, pesky bugs that have been causing fans some issues.

The biggest one involved the usage of her Amped Cover, which could potentially lead to players disconnecting from lobbies, or her finisher quip being heard around all of World's Edge, confusing players in the process.

Check out the full patch notes down below.

Apex Legends 20th August Patch Notes

apex devotion lmg nerf

(Photo: Respawn Entertainment)

Addresses the following:

  • Rampart Amped Wall client error in softened gore locales
  • Fix a server error causing immediate disconnects when Rampart puts down a wall
  • Fix an error caused in some instances where a player is on Rampart's turret when it is destroyed
  • Issue around specific Bloodhound skin getting a stretched neck while using Rampart turret. We are still working on this issue for Lifeline's Guardian Angel skin
  • Rampart's "Boom" finisher line from playing across the map
  • Kill stat tracking for R-99 not displaying properly


Additionally, we are publishing a playlist update later today to do the following:


  • Reduce Devotion damage [17 -> 16] , and increases recoil - these are quick changes we can make now, more adjustments to Devotion that take more time to do will come later.
  • Reduce number of Devotions and Turbochargers spawned
  • Reduced number of gold helms, gold backpacks and gold incap shields


For more on Apex Legends, drop by our Crafting Guide, a brand-new feature introduced with Season 6.