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Counter-Strike 2 Console Missing Fix: How To Reset

Unable to find the dev console in CS2 despite enabling it? We've got a fix and step-by-step instructions on how to reset your Counter-Strike 2 console placement.
Counter-Strike 2 Console Missing Fix: How To Reset

Is the developer console missing in Counter-Strike 2? Can't seem to find it anywhere and want to know how you can reset it? Don't worry; we've got you covered, so you don't have to sit on Inferno counting chickens, waiting for someone to fix it for you!

In this no-nonsense guide, we explain the steps you need to take if your CS2 console appears to be missing, resetting it with relative ease, so let's jump straight in.

How To Reset Missing CS2 Console

Counter-Strike 2 CS2 developer dev console reset missing fix
The CS2 developer console should be visible at the top-right of your screen. If it is missing, we've got you covered! (Picture: Valve/TroubleChute)

First and foremost, if you haven't enabled the developer console in Counter-Strike 2 yet, do so now. Our guide also features how you can change the keybind from the tilde "~" key to something else if you prefer.

If you've enabled the CS2 developer console, but it is still missing, the reason might be that it has been moved off-screen accidentally. Counter-Strike 2's dev console window position is saved, so restarting the game won't help. 

Warning:You will have to do some tinkering with files outside the game. Proceed at your own risk.

With the disclaimer out of the way, to reset your dev console position, thereby sorting your missing console issue, follow the steps (as per TroubleChute YouTube's excellent video) below for a relatively easy fix:

  • Exit Counter-Strike 2.
  • Open File Explorer on Windows and head to where your Steam folder is located. This is usually under Program Files (x86).
  • Open the Steam folder, then open the "User Data" folder, then select your Steam ID folder.
  • Now navigate to the "730" folder.
  • From here, open the "Local" folder and then the "CFG" folder.
  • Find the CS2_Machine_Convars.vcfg file.
  • Right-click on the file and open it with Notepad.
  • There's a long list of commands inside this file. Scroll down until you find "panorama_console_position_and_Size" line.
  • Next to this line, you will see some numbers.
  • Change the values to "20.00|20.00|200.00|200.00"
  • Save the file.
  • Run Counter-Strike 2, press the "~" key, and you should see the dev console on the top-right side of the screen.

This should reset the position of your dev console in CS2, making it visible once again in the top right of your screen. Repeat the process if you lose it again.

If you want a visual guide to enabling the console, resetting it, or changing the default key in Counter-Strike 2, then we suggest checking out YouTube channel TroubleChute's fantastic, informative, and to-the-point video below.

So that's it, a quick and easy way to fix the missing dev console issue in Counter-Strike 2. If more methods do become available, we will endeavor to update this article faster than you can die from your own Molotov if it spreads to your feet in CS2.