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Dead by Daylight matchmaking test results - Upcoming changes

Dead by Daylight's matchmaking tests are complete, so we now have the results and know what to expect with the upcoming changes.
Dead by Daylight matchmaking test results - Upcoming changes

Throughout April 2022, Behaviour Interactive has conducted multiple matchmaking tests in Dead by Daylight in order to improve matchmaking. The results of those tests have finally been released.

The tests come after many players have expressed their frustration with the current matchmaking system, which was implemented to replace skill-based matchmaking and ranks in 2021. Here's an overview of how those tests were conducted, the results of those tests, and which changes will be coming to the game as a result.

Matchmaking Test Results - Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight matchmaking test results
Dead by Daylight's matchmaking system has been ostracized due to long wait times and unfair matches. (Picture: Behaviour Interactive)

Dead by Daylight's matchmaking tests involved changing variables that determine which players you are matched with. For the first time ever on 19th April 2022, Behaviour announced which variables are used in matchmaking. 

Matchmaking Variables

The following two variables can be adjusted to switch up matchmaking and conduct matchmaking tests: 

  1. Maximum range
  2. Expansion time

Maximum range involves the level of other players you're matched with and how close they are to your rank.

Expansion time involves the amount of time you can stay in a queue before your maximum range increases, speeding up wait times.

Matchmaking Tests

During the matchmaking tests, Behaviour did not tell players which changes they would be making each day in order to minimize bias. Now, that information has been released.

Here are the changes that were made each day:

Date Test
28 March

Expansion time decreased to 1 minute (from 5 minutes) 

29 March

Maximum range decreased to 250 (from 500) 

30 March

Enable bidirectional matchmaking 

31 March

Maximum range decreased to 250 (from 500), expansion time decreased to 1 minute (from 5 minutes) 

4th April

Maximum range decreased to 350 (from 500), expansion time decreased to 1 minute (from 5 minutes), enable bidirectional matchmaking 

7th April

Maximum range decreased to 350 (from 500), expansion time decreased to 1 minute (from 5 minutes), enable bidirectional matchmaking, grades hidden 

11th April / 12th April

Switch to Grade Based Matchmaking 

(April 12th only: Show grades) 

Matchmaking Changes - Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight matchmaking changes
Players hope that the matchmaking changes will result in more fun and more fair matches. (Picture: Behaviour Interactive)

In accordance with Behaviour Interactive's findings from the matchmaking tests, the following changes to matchmaking will be made:

  • Reducing the maximum range 
  • Reducing the expansion time proportionally (so it’s no faster or slower than before) 
  • Lowering the effective cap for skill ratings 
  • Removing grades from the post-match screen for the foreseeable future 

Behaviour also announced a list of changes that may come in the future, but aren't currently set to be released, such as:

  • Making Survivor ratings team-based rather than personal (so dying heroically to save everyone else isn’t as punishing)
  • Improvements to backfilling lobbies to prevent players from outside of the acceptable range from being pulled in

Behaviour Interactive said that strong matchmaking is incredibly important to the quality of players' matches.

"We’ve learned that the strictness of the matchmaking and the quality of the matches is without a doubt linked," Peanits said in a news post on the forums.

"The biggest takeaway here is that going too far, either way, is never a one-size-fits-all solution. What we’d often notice is how some players loved a particular test because they were seeing more variety in their opponents, but at the same time, those same tests were also frustrating to a lot of people who were suddenly getting matched with people way better than them."

Peanits also noted that the team received more positive feedback when grades were hidden, prompting the change to hidden grades.

According to the team, the upcoming changes are already in development. 

That's all we know right now about Dead by Daylight's matchmaking tests, the results, and which changes will be coming to the game.

If you're a fan of Dead by Daylight and want to stay in the know about your favorite game, take a look at our dedicated Dead by Daylight section for more news, tips, and guides!


Featured image courtesy of Behaviour Interactive.