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Dead By Daylight's Skull Merchant Mori Disappoints Fans

Dead by Daylight's new Skull Merchant killer has left fans with mixed opinions on many things, but most are unhappy with the character's Mori.
Dead By Daylight's Skull Merchant Mori Disappoints Fans

Dead by Daylight's new chapter 27 release, Tools of Torment, has offered players lots of new content. The chapter includes a high-tech killer called the Skull Merchant with a new Mori, two new survivors, nine new perks, and some heavy changes to the game's widely hated Shelter Woods map. While the community seems to have mixed opinions on many aspects of the chapter - with some fans loving the new killer's design and others disappointed in the fact that she's so human-like - there is one aspect of the chapter that fans seem to widely dislike: the Skull Merchant's Mori.

Dead By Daylight Skull Merchant Mori

skull merchant dead by daylight mori
The Skull Merchant's Mori is one of the chapters' least well-received new additions. (Picture: Behaviour Interactive)

The Skull Merchant's power allows her to send drones around the map to locate survivors and inflict them with the Exposed status effect, making them more vulnerable to attack. In the Skull Merchant's Mori, the killer grabs the survivor before deploying a drone nearby that hovers next to the survivor. Finally, she uses her claws to stab the survivor through the chest.

The Mori is a relatively short experience, and many Dead by Daylight fans have expressed their disappointment that it is extremely similar to the Mori of another killer in the game, Freddy Krueger.

"Just feels like a quicker Freddy Mori imo," one YouTube commenter pointed out.

Still, despite the seemingly widespread community disappointment in the Mori, some players believe that there is hope for the character's future, mentioning that Behaviour could implement some new cosmetics that might make the Mori look a little more interesting.

"True it's underwhelming but imagine the skins in the future," another YouTube commenter said.

If you want to check out the Skull Merchant Mori for yourself, you can check it out below:

Of course, it's possible that Behaviour could alter the Skull Merchant's Mori before the chapter goes live. Dead by Daylight's developers have made significant changes to other characters' Moris before between the PTB and the live release, so if the community continues to express their disappointment, changes could certainly be in the cards.