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How to Craft and Use a Grappling Hook in Enshrouded

You'll need a Grappling Hook to get around in Enshrouded, and you can craft one pretty early.
How to Craft and Use a Grappling Hook in Enshrouded
GINX/Patches Chance

When you're navigating the world of Enshrouded, there are all kinds of dangers and different challenges to traverse. Once you've made a little progress, you'll notice some areas require a handy dandy Grappling Hook to actually reach.

While some of the upgrades you'll seek throughout Enshrouded will take some time to acquire, crafting a Grappling Hook can be done fairly early if you hunt a little for the materials. We'll go over how to find each item you need to craft a Grappling Hook and how it'll help you explore the world of Enshrouded.

How to Craft and Use a Grappling Hook in Enshrouded

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The first place you might realize you wish you had a Grappling Hook is Braelyn Bridge. The mostly deteriorated structure is your safest path to the other side of a very deep shrouded region, and to reach some early Enshrouded quests you may want to simply travel over it.

While you can navigate the shroud and reach the other side of Braelyn Bridge, doing so is particularly dangerous as you can be hurt by enemies or run out of time while trying to find your way across or find your way back. To cross with the bridge, you'll need to collect some Metal Scraps, String, and Shroud Spores.

String will be the easiest, as you just want to collect plant fiber from leafy bushes anywhere in Enshrouded. There are several in the areas around Longkeep that shouldn't be difficult to find. As for the Shroud Spores, those will require you to venture briefly into the Shroud.

You need to bring a weapon, the hatchet's fast attack speed works wonders early on, and use it against enemies you meet in the shroud. That can be the small shrouded areas near Longkeep or the larger one beneath Braelyn Bridge, but in all cases make sure to loot the bodies and collect Shroud Spores before fleeing back to safety.

Your last material is Metal Scraps, and these are a bit more difficult to come by early on. Metal Scraps can be found by breaking objects found all around the ruins of Longkeep. From large wooden carts to barrels, you really just want to start exploring and attacking anything around you to see if it pops up damage numbers.

Once you've gathered all the necessary items, use a workbench to craft the Grappling Hook and equip it from your inventory. Keep an eye out for prompts when there are things you can cling to with the Grappling Hook, and this will help you find new areas in Enshrouded. Generally it'll bring you right to where you're heading, but occasionally you will swing and need to jump after that swing to reach your destination.