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Fortnite Season 6 Week 4 challenges: How to complete and craft Primal weapons

You can check all the challenges for Week 4 of Fortnite’s Season 6, which will require your wildest side as a primal hunter.
Fortnite Season 6 Week 4 challenges: How to complete and craft Primal weapons

With Fortnite’s Season 6 well underway, there are lots of challenges to complete around the island to advance in your Battle Pass, so now it’s time to take over the quests that await you for Week 4. This will require lots of interactions within the primitive section of the map, so you better be prepared to face all its dangers around.

Fortnite S6 Week 4 challenges: How to complete

As for the Epic quests, there will be a total of seven missions added as part of the weekly challenges, where you can obtain 24,000 XP by completing each one, giving you a good level boost in your Battle Pass.

Fortnite Season 6 week 4 challenges how to complete craft primal weapons revive teammates tame animals(Picture: Epic Games)

These missions will be available throughout the season, so don't hurry too much as you can complete them at any time.

  • Set structures on fire (10)
  • Search chests (7)
  • Eliminate opponents with weapons of Rare rarity or higher (3)
  • Shockwave wildlife using a shockwave grenade or bow (1)
  • Tame animals in different matches (3)
  • Deal explosives damage to opponents (1000)
  • Revive a teammate (1)

Most of these missions will require you to explore in the wild, while also making use of some of the mechanical parts and weapons you found around or built by yourself.

Also, some of these will be linked to the weekly Legendary quest, which will require you to deal damage with Primal weapons.

Fortnite Season 6 week 4 challenges how to complete craft primal weapons revive teammates tame animals(Picture: Epic Games)


You will need to inflict 2,500, 5,000, 7,500, 10,000, and 12,500 damage, obtaining 34,000 XP for the first checkpoint, and 24,500 XP for each of the rest.

Remember you can get Primal weapons nearly everywhere on the map, from chests to leftover weapons around any place. But in case you don’t have some on hand, you can have the opportunity to craft one by yourself by adventuring in the primitive parts of the island.

For this, you will need to find a Makeshift weapon, doesn’t matter the rarity it has, and of course, some Animal Bones which you can obtain from killing the new wildlife.

Fortnite Season 6 week 4 challenges how to complete craft primal weapons revive teammates tame animals(Picture: Epic Games)

In the case of the revolver, shotguns, SMGs and rifles, getting Animal Bones will be enough to upgrade them, while in the case of the bows you have the opportunity of getting a more useful weapon when using items like gas cans. The new Junk Gun or Recycler will also be helpful to complete these tasks.

You can check out more on how to build these weapons in our dedicated crafting guide.

This means that after summering all the XP from the quests of this week, you can obtain a total of 311,000 XP for this season’s Battle Pass.

Week 4 quests will be available starting 8th April and don’t forget the Legendary one will only be available until 15th April.