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Townsmen VR Mini Review: A Charming God-Game Simulation

You’ve got the whole world (sort of) in your hands
Townsmen VR Mini Review: A Charming God-Game Simulation

I'm not sure the words 'relaxing' and 'calming' are usually associated with VR. The VR worlds we usually entice ourselves in are scary, or get us moving, in some way or another. Townsmen VR is a completely different experience than that, and it's one you won't regret. 

Townsmen VR describes itself as a God-game simulation with classic building elements that sees players taking control of small colonies across 13 different islands - or archipilago's - to create thriving settlements.

The game starts out slowly, with a few tutorials to complete that help you master the controls, which are pretty awkward to get to grips with at first. Moving forwards or backwards is done by either dragging yourself forwards, or pushing yourself backwards. Zooming in and out is done by moving both hands inwards or outwards. It is a little annoying, but once you get used to it, you will be flying across the islands with ease. 

Control your very own model village

In terms of gameplay, Townsmen VR is rather relaxed, seeing as you're not doing the work yourself. You're essentially playing God, placing your villagers where they need to be to build whatever building you have selected. But the cool factor is, you can pick up and interact with everything. Pick up fish from the lakes and ponds and give it to a cat, pick the birds and clouds from the sky, and even pick up the villagers themselves. 

When enemies come looking for trouble, you must take charge to help overcome these struggles. Whether that be by simply placing your troops to where you want them to go, or get more creative with it and pull a cloud out of the sky and get it to shock enemy's with lightning. 

I do feel as though the game could do with an option to fast forward time, as there are quite a few moments of you sat waiting, and watching, your villagers build something. Although, this extra time to sit and appreciate the wonderful art style and the world itself is appreciated. 

Townsmen VR - The Verdict:
Townsmen VR is one of the more relaxed VR titles I've played, and it is a delight to experience. Though, I will say it is a little on the pricey side, with a £34.99 price tag. I'm not entirely sure there's enough gameplay to warrant that price, so maybe waiting for a sale would be best. Either way, it deserves to be played.
Review code was provided by the publisher.
Reviewed on PSVR 2