The fifth installment of Pokémon GO’s weekly August 2022 Spotlight Hour starts on 30th August and will see Pidove as the featured Pokémon that will get booster spawn rates. As a result, this critter will appear more frequently in the wild, and Trainers will be able to catch it quickly.
Besides this, Pokémon GO Spotlight Hour is well known for the booster spawn rates of Shiny variants. Therefore, many Trainers are curious to know whether a Shiny variant of Pidove exists or not. So without any further delay, let's dive into the details.
Is Pidove Shiny in Pokémon GO August Spotlight Hour?
Pidove is a Normal and Flying-type Pokémon vulnerable to Rock, Electric, and Ice moves. Luckily, a Shiny variant of Pidove is available in the game, meaning its evolutions, Tranquil and Unfezant, can also be Shiny.
Trainers can always activate an Incense to increase the chances of encountering a Shiny Pidove.
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The base odds for encountering a shiny Pokémon are 1/4096. Accordingly, Trainers are more likely to encounter one Shiny Pokémon after every 4,096 encounters. However, the Pokémon GO Spotlight Hour escalates the chances of encountering a Shiny variant of the featured Pokémon.
Pokémon GO – August 2022 Spotlight Hour Schedule
Here's the complete Pokémon GO Spotlight Hour schedule for August 2022:
Date | Time | Spotlight Pokémon | Bonus | Can it be Shiny? |
2nd August | 6 PM – 7 PM | Hisuian Voltorb | 2x Catch Stardust | No |
9th August | 6 PM – 7 PM | Nidoran♀ | 2x Catch XP | Yes |
16th August | 6 PM – 7 PM | Joltik | 2x Catch Candy | No |
23rd August | 6 PM – 7 PM | Nidoran♂ | 2x Transfer Candy | Yes |
30th August | 6 PM – 7 PM | Pidove | 2x Evolution XP | Yes |
Since the Spotlight Hour lasts for only 60 minutes, ensure you have enough resources like PokéBalls, Incenses, and PokéCoins to take full advantage. During this time frame, Trainers would be able to farm Double Evolution XP as a part of the event bonuses.
That's everything you need to know about encountering a Shiny Pidove during Pokémon GO Spotlight Hour.
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Featured image courtesy of Niantic / The Pokémon Company.