An old Destiny friend returns to the sequel, with the best players in the world looking to conquer the revamped Vault of Glass faster than anybody.
First Published May 22, 2021, 14:42
🕒 5/22/2021 - 18:55
Unfortunate situation as a player with the tag #BlackLivesDontMatter made it to the leaderboards during the raid race.
🕒 5/22/2021 - 16:14
🕒 5/22/2021 - 16:12
We have confirmation that a total of SIX fireteams are at the final Atheon Challenge Mode phase!
🕒 5/22/2021 - 15:45
Saltagreppo and his fireteam are trying to conquer Atheon Challenge Mode!
🕒 5/22/2021 - 15:09
Templar Challenge:
Once one player destroys an oracle, they cannot destroy that oracle again.
🕒 5/22/2021 - 15:08
Atheon Challenge: Ensemble's Refrain
Complete the "Ensemble's Refrain" challenge in the Atheon encounter.
Atheon Challenge: Eyes on Atheon
Defeat Atheon without destroying any Supplicants.
🕒 5/22/2021 - 15:07
Templar Challenge: Tempered Teleport
Complete the Templar encounter while never blocking the Templar's teleport.
Gatekeepers Challenge: Rabid Relic
Complete the Gatekeepers encounter while only using Relic Super damage to defeat Praetorians.
🕒 5/22/2021 - 15:04
Confluxes Challenge: Dragon's Den
Complete the confluxes encounter while defeating Wyverns with only Super damage.
Oracles Challenge: Take Cover
Don't defeat any Hobgoblins during the Oracles encounter.
🕒 5/22/2021 - 15:03
This information is being provided by the amazing people at
Destiny Tracker
🕒 5/22/2021 - 14:58
We have official confirmation of some of the Challenges fireteams need to complete. Stay tuned for updates in just a minute.
🕒 5/22/2021 - 14:33
BIG update, it seems
Saltgreppo's squad was the first to activate Challenge Mode.
🕒 5/22/2021 - 13:45
"Clearing Vault of Glass with Contest Mode active is the first step to access the new Challenge Mode in the Director and the Tempo's Edge Triumph."
🕒 5/22/2021 - 13:44
Another quick reminder for those following along: clearing the Vault of Glass raid one time is NOT the end of the race.
🕒 5/22/2021 - 13:20
Keep in mind that if any fireteam tries to do the
Atheon exploit, they will be disqualified.
🕒 5/22/2021 - 13:17
Redeem is one of the teams in the lead, as they are now dealing with Atheon himself.
🕒 5/22/2021 - 13:17
Hard to say which team is on the lead so far with how close they are from each other.
🕒 5/22/2021 - 12:18
New enemy alert! Wyverns are now part of the Vault of Glass.
🕒 5/22/2021 - 12:12
So far the initiall encounter plays mostly the same, right now the hard part for fireteams is dealing with how tanky some of the enemies are.
🕒 5/22/2021 - 12:12
The initial cutscene looks so much smoother now than what it did in 2014!
🕒 5/22/2021 - 12:01
The Vault of Glass has officially returned!
🕒 5/22/2021 - 11:37
As we prepare for the start of the raid, we know some of its secrets already, including the fact that the
Vex Mythoclast will be one of the rewards.
🕒 5/22/2021 - 15:18
Welcome, welcome! I'm Andres and I will be taking you through the Vault of Glass raid race!
We will be taking you through all the action throughout the day and night!
The day has finally arrived, Destiny 2 welcomes the Vault of Glass, the game's first-ever raid that debuted back in 2014.
Naturally, as Bungie's FPS has evolved since then, this new version of the Vault of Glass has a ton of surprise in store for Guardians and fireteams looking to uncover its secrets once again.
If you want a reminder of what to expect during the Vault of Glass World First raid race, here's a quick rundown:

- Contest Mode (Power Level advantages capped) will be available for the first 24 hours. Guardians need to be at least 1300PL.
- Clearing Vault of Glass with Contest Mode active is the first step to access the new Challenge Mode in the Director and the Tempo's Edge Triumph.
- Completing Tempo's Edge, a curated list of Triumphs, in this newly unlocked Challenge Mode, will be how a fireteam crosses the World First finish line and claims their prize.
- To enforce the Triumph requirements in the Challenge Mode, your team will wipe if you fail the success conditions during each encounter.
Vault of Glass World First raid race - Where to watch
Plenty of streamers will be broadcasting their POVs during the raid race, however, Twitch streamer Professor Broman will be doing a tailgate, keeping tabs on the best fireteams during the race.