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How to fix error code Centipede in Destiny 2

Some players are recently experiencing the error code Centipede in Destiny 2, so here's a guide that explains different methods to fix the issue.
How to fix error code Centipede in Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Season of the Haunted has entered its fourth week, and Bungie recently deployed the hotfix to fix several issues before the weekly reset. As has been the case this entire season, some players are experiencing issues while logging into the game and are getting an error called Centipede.

Like most Destiny 2 errors, Centipede makes the game unplayable, which, as you can expect, is frustrating, especially next to the weekly reset when most players are looking to dive into the new story mission. If you're one of those who are experiencing this error code, don't worry. Here's our guide, which explains how to fix the error code Centipede in Destiny 2.

What is the error code Centipede in Destiny 2?

destiny 2 error code centipede
Centipede is a general networking error in Destiny 2. (Picture: Bungie)

According to Bungie, "Centipede" is a general networking error code." It's caused mainly due to the loss of connection to Bungie's servers.

The problem primarily stems due to an issue with your router or ISP, thankfully, there are plenty of things you can do to fix this issue.

How to fix error code Centipede in Destiny 2

destiny 2 error code centipede
The centipede error in Destiny 2 primarily occurs due to an issue with home network configuration or ISP. (Picture: Bungie)

Thankfully, Bungie has enlisted a couple of ways to fix the issue. If you're unable to do either of these methods, you could always just try resetting your hardware.

  • If you are using WiFi, we recommend switching to a wired connection
  • If your NAT is Strict or Type 3, we recommend getting your NAT into an Open or Type 1 state

If the issue isn't fixed by tweaking your home network, chances are it's because of your ISP. Some ISP limits what type of traffic you can send or receive. This mainly happens when you're on a public network like a university or office. In such cases, you may need to contact your network administrator or ISP to fix the issue.

Bungie is keenly aware of the Centipede error, and while there is no concrete fix for the same, the studio continues to diligently investigate the issue. That concludes our guide on how to fix the error code Centipede in Destiny 2.

For more on the game, why not check our dedicated Destiny 2 Season of the Haunted section for news, guides, and features.


Featured image courtesy of Bungie.