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How To QB Slide In Madden 23

Here's a guide detailing how to QB Slide in Madden 23 to keep you from fumbling the ball away at precious times.
How To QB Slide In Madden 23

If you've been playing Madden long enough, you've likely encountered the classic situation of a Quarterback fumble in the open field. These fumbles are especially frustrating because often times they feel completely avoidable.

Quarterback-designed runs can be very effective plays, as they often offset the box count of the defensive run-fits. And QB scrambles when pass-plays break down can be absolute back breakers for a defense.

While these runs can be so effective, they also come with heightened risk, as most QBs don't have a high Carrying rating, and thus their ball security is suspect. Normal tackles from on-rushing defenders can jar the football loose, from your QB and totally kill your momentum with a timely turnover. Running out of bounds is an effective way to safely end the play on a QB run, but what if you're caught in the middle of the field? For new Madden players, or veterans looking for a refresh, here's a guide breaking down how to QB Slide in Madden 23.

How to Slide in Madden 23 (any ball-carrier)

Madden 23 How to QB Slide
Slide down in Madden 23 to safely give yourself up and avoid a costly fumble. (Picture: EA Sports)

Sliding is actually a very simple move to perform in Madden 23, and the controls are the same no matter if you're running as a Quarterback, Running Back, Wide Receiver, or any other position. While there has been some change over the years regarding the Slide in Madden, this year's controls will be very easy to remember.

If you're wondering how to Slide in Madden 23 when running with the ball as your Quarterback (or any other position), simply double tap X/Square (Xbox/PlayStation), and your ball carrier will perform a Slide. Obviously, Quarterbacks cannot perform this action behind the line of scrimmage, as the ball would instead be thrown to the X or Square receiver. It's important to note that you'll need to have a yard or two of space between you and the closest defender in order to successfully perform the animation.

Another important point is to make sure you're not holding down the Left Trigger/L2 (Xbox/PlayStation) to ensure your ball carrier doesn't attempt a Dive instead. Players should remember the rules of the game when Sliding, as the ball will be marked down from the point where the player begins the Slide, not where the player ends up.

Madden 23 Russell Wilson Broncos run
Feel confident running in the open field with your Quarterback in Madden 23 thanks to our guide on how to Slide. (Picture: EA Sports)

That's everything you need to know about how to Slide in Madden 23.

Make sure to check out the rest of our Madden section for all the best game guides, roster update information, and much more.


Featured image courtesy of EA Sports.