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Valve prohibits CS:GO coaches in online matches and gives RMR update

Valve has finally made a decision about CS:GO coaches in online matches by prohibiting staff from helping teams or even communicating with the players.
Valve prohibits CS:GO coaches in online matches and gives RMR update

Following the landmark investigation by the Esports Integrity Commission (ESIC) back in September 2020, Valve has finally laid down the law, prohibiting CS:CO coaches and staff from online matches. This is a huge blow to coaches who did nothing wrong.

Back in September last year, ESIC banned 37 coaches for use of the long-standing spectator bug, and there have also been a lot of stream-sniping accusations thrown into the mix. 

CS:GO coaches locked out of online matches

In CS:GO, coaches play a vital role in helping their team, and providing tactics as well as support to a team's in-game leader.

Since CS:GO tournaments are being played online only due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, reports of stream-sniping are increasing, and the use of the spectator bug by 37 coaches shocked the CS:GO community.

csgo_new.jpg?_t=1585304769(Picture: Valve)

In response to the ESIC investigation, Valve has now effectively locked out CS:GO coaches and support staff from online matches.

Valve explains in a new blog post: "In addition to consequences for individuals, we have also thought about how commonly coaches exploited the bug, for how long it went unreported, as well as how common coach stream-sniping accusations have been.

"To avoid the diminished integrity of coaching from casting a shadow on the integrity of Valve-sponsored events, we’ll be changing the restrictions on support staff."

The restrictions are as follows:

  • Only players are allowed in the room and on the server during online matches.
  • Coaches and any other support staff will not be allowed in the room or on the server.
  • CS:GO coaches or any staff will not be allowed to communicate with the players.

Valve also dropped another zinger, deciding coaches who were found by ESIC to have exploited the spectator bug will not be eligible to participate in a number of future Valve-sponsored events.

The number of events is determined by the extent of the abuse. The table below translates ESIC demerits into Major ineligibility:

CS:GO coaches online matches banned ESIC prohibited RMR update 2021(Picture: Valve)

While some coaches might only miss the PGL Stockholm Major, others will be banned permanently from Valve-sponsored events.


CS:GO RMR update for 2021

In case you missed it, Valve recently revealed the first Major of 2021 as the PGL Stockholm Major. To get to a Major, teams compete in RMR events, gaining points throughout the year.

CSGOCoachesInside2.jpg?_t=1611809640(Picture: PGL)

Valve shared some details on the CS:GO RMR event system for 2021, and again mentioned prohibiting coaches in matches. Check out the highlights below.

  • RMR points are reset for 2021, however, the 2020 RMR Legends will start with 600, Challengers with 300, and contenders with 100 points.
  • Teams can now specify a substitute player (any player who is not registered to participate or substitute for another team) that is separate from their coach.
  • A team incurs a penalty when they substitute out a player in an event, but there is no penalty when that player is brought back in.
  • During online matches only players are allowed in the room and on the server. Neither coaches nor any other team staff will be allowed in the room, on the server, or to otherwise communicate with the team during an online match.

It is good to see Valve finally make a decision about CS:GO coaches following the spectator bug above findings from ESIC all the way back in September 2020.

However, teams will not be happy with coaches or support staff being prohibited for online events, as they do play a very important role for their players.